
Hah quite the opposite. Our ancestors had roughly the same IQ that modern humans have, and developed theistic ideas because of higher cognitive abilities like complex pattern recognition and abstract thought.

That’s what I thought. I was in a pinch a few weeks ago and ultimately opted out of butt stuff cause all we could find was a bunch of kitchen oils. Someone really needs to find a household item that can double as latex-safe lube in sex emergencies.

Awesome, way less sketched out now. Did you have particularly thin lashes before trying it? I think my lashes are pretty average, maybe slightly thicker even, and I’m curious if its efficacy is related to initial lash thinness at all. Also, have you tried it on your brows? I could definitely go for some thicker

What kind of scarring does it help with—pigmentation issues, or actual indentations?

Is that the one that has the potential side effect of screwing with your iris color?

Does it help with indentations, or just pigmentation scarring? I’m still desperately searching for something to help my mild indentation scarring that isn’t a $6000 laser treatment. I’ve tried retin-A and it’s definitely made my skin fantastically clear, but hasn’t really fixed the uneven skin surface issue.

Do you know, can coconut oil be used with latex condoms, or is it on the “do not try” list?

I was less skeptical of the integration issues Jack faced after leaving the room, and more weary of some of his imprisonment behaviors like anthropomorphizing all of the furniture. I can’t really see how that would fit for a child whose human contact has been limited to a single person. Do you know which of his issues

I read the print version and disliked it. I understand that the tedium and painfully slow plot progression were intended to impress upon the reader the nature of the main characters’ living situations, but it was almost unbearably dull for at least the first half of the book. I guess I also wasn’t fully sold on how

Yeah I definitely think there’s some learning involved, though I suppose that just mediates the physiological response because we’re just a big pile of chemicals anyway. I have a history of sexual trauma and have noticed that while I’ve gotten to a point where I almost never feel triggered during sex anymore (which is

Yup, I definitely think this is a neurophysiological crash after a flood of feel-good chemicals, in a majority of cases at least. I notice this sort of crash is especially likely after really intense sex, especially when there’s some sort of BDSM stuff involved. To me that suggests that it’s related to things like

So this one actually makes sense on a neurophysiological level. Nicotine initially has stimulant effects (the high), but later can act as more of a depressant. The research on the line is sort of murky—I’ve seen things that suggest that it’s dosage dependent, so with more consumption comes the depressant effects.

I have a chunk of my hair that I accidentally shaved off awhile back, a practice run is a great idea.

Thanks so much for the tips! I would LOVE to see what you’ve done with your hair. Colored hair is my favorite and I’m always looking for inspiration.

Best funky colored hair dye brands that hold their color and won’t rub off on everything?

I wouldn’t judge a friend for being religious, but it would be a huge red flag when it comes to dating because I have way higher standards for significant others than friends. I’m staunchly atheist and can pretty much guarantee that my worldview isn’t going to align with that of someone who believes in some sort of

Ohh of course. The good jobs men used to get handed because they were the only ones allowed to be educated/qualified for such things, the wife slave, and the kids raised entirely by the wife slave. *Sigh* those were the days.

What the fuck is “full-fledged manhood?” I think we should probably ensure there’s no workable path to wherever that is, because it sounds terrible.

Ohhh sneaky sneaky, I really like that. I might be left wondering if he’s bi though...I’m sort of at the point where I think he’s either bi or totally gay. At least your suggestion would open up the possibility of hearing about a former relationship with a woman though, which would basically confirm that I stand a

Cause I have an unhealthy fear of embarrassment and awkward situations :/. If it was someone I wouldn’t see again/didn’t care about seeing again I might do that, but I’d actually like to develop a friendship with him if it does turn out he’s gay, so I don’t want to make things super weird.