I was thinking the same thing. The luggage folds into a bed so my oversized toddler might not sleep on me? Maybe? Just the idea of that not happening is worth $150.
I was thinking the same thing. The luggage folds into a bed so my oversized toddler might not sleep on me? Maybe? Just the idea of that not happening is worth $150.
This depresses the hell out of me.
As a former music industry dinosaur - I feel like this ad is pretty tame. A bit ballsy to come out and say it in print considering it’s 2018, but I have seen so much worse.
I really disliked the book. It reads like a fanfiction that the author put herself into.
Two supernatural beings in love after two weeks? And the main character can do all the witch things and is so powerful AND rare? The entire world opposes their love?
Ugh...the Giuliani Chiclet teeth.
I’m 43 and we are about to try for number 2...this makes me feel less freaked out about that.
After seeing an interview with her during the women’s march, I am not surprised. Her attitude was totally the nationalist brand of “look at me” and faux intellect.
Semi-former sadistic domme here -
OMG - I bet they were Fundies.
As someone with a toddler who moved from LA....NOPE. NOPE. HELLLL NO.
Aww - thank you!!
That means a lot after this weekend. (Kiddo-State and I went out to a social function and I felt like we were under a magnifying glass the entire time - ugh. Well meaning people can sometimes be the worst w/ advice)
I’m OK with it. Honestly it’s nice to even slightly understand the inner-workings of my brain.
If my son is on the spectrum I believe that it will be good if his mom gets even a little bit where he is coming from.
I wasn’t diagnosed until my mid 20's with ADD. Now that my kiddo is being evaluated for Aspergers/Autism, I’m coming across Aspergers in women articles that are feeling VERY familiar.
My son is going to be evaluated soon, his therapists and Dr think he may be mildly on the spectrum. So of course, I hopped on Dr Google for info, and came across a few articles about women w/ Aspergers and their symptoms.....they hit a little close to home.
I am dealing with this right now, just bought a place and it needs something colorful on the floor - every frickin’ rug is either so boring it puts me to sleep, or it’s a shag...or worse, a shag in a boring color.
There is a lot of nice stuff in that auction, and the estimates don’t seem too bad.
Bizarre - I’m a female who works in construction and I have to travel a lot for meetings. I frequently dine with dudes and have never slept with any of them, because I happen to have a happy marriage and I’m not an asshole.
Those poors just love their scratch tickets and Powerball!*
Trump is doing everything in his power to distract us all from Russia.
Oh god - When Mr State and I started researching adoption, I came across tons, and I mean TONS, of Fundie Mommy Bloggers by accident. They adopt internationally, sometimes 5 to 10 kids within short time frames. Many of the kids have profound medical issues and are now living with about 6-11 new “siblings”.
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