
I just finished reading “The Child Catchers” by Kathryn Joyce about evangelicals and adoption. It was an amazing (and depressing) read.

Honestly, I’m now convinced they want women to put children up for adoption just so they can adopt all the babies and get Jesus points for taking in “orphans”.

Looking at that photo of her reminded me as to why I can’t dye my dark hair blonde.

I feel like the heartbeat bill was just a way for them to distract everyone from the 20 week abortion ban.

As a former 14 year music industry worker: It’s sad when this is a step up from the years where employees would be fired bc of bullshit reasons the moment the bosses found out they were pregnant. Or tortured until they quit.

Two stick out to me at two different companies:

Mr State works in medical supplies. We already have most of the stuff on this list hanging around the house. Bummer. He really does almost have everything.

We went Game of Thrones...
Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragon

I read this article earlier. Nightmare scenario.

Man, everyone thought I was a monster for having a four week old Baby State sleep in a crib across the hall.
It’s what worked for us, and kiddo now sleeps like a brick. One of us rocks him for 20 mins, and then he’s placed in the crib where he puts himself to bed as

Yeah, people are surprised that I pay the extra $$$ and pack his food, hopefully it pays off when he has to choose my nursing home. ;)

Oh man, I wish we could do that! Unfortunately I’m of “advanced maternal age” at 40. So if we do want more, we are going to have to bite the financial bullet.

$250 per week or $13k a year in daycare for a 15 month old.
We want to have another kiddo, but I don’t see us being able to do it. The standard discount here for a 2nd child is only 10%

Edit: I also provide all meals.

Right now I’m paying $250 per week or $13,000 per year for Baby State to go to a daycare where I have to provide all meals. It’s more than my mortgage.
HOWEVER, I could knock this down to around $11k -ish per year if I put him in a “not so great” daycare where the people are not certified in early child development,

I always thought baby showers were supposed to be a surprise. You don’t invite the baby mamma, you tell the dad to get them to the location. This has literally been every shower I have been to.

My parents decided they liked my middle name better 2 months after they got me home and just started calling me by that instead. They got my SS card under that name, but by “real” name is still my first name.
Lots of confusion w passports, licenses, etc etc. Not always fun.

Ehhhh - I think my playlist is a little different...

I live in RI, so I will keep an eye out for ya.

My guess would honestly be a small beach bar on Block Island.

Where is the “NOPE!” octopus when you need him? Because that is all I kept thinking as I read through the article.

As an early 40's female project manager in in utilities construction - oh god I hear this. Watching incompetent male co-workers fail upwards into better positions, and now sharing a job title with two guys under 30 who I suspect make more $$ and drive better/newer company trucks than I do.

Dudes with breeding fetishes are so so weird. It’s like a whole subcategory of cuckolding.

I hope you punched your “friend” in the boob after she said that.

Eh, according to the internet I’m a monster and I’m ok with that. Things I have done wrong: