This is a shitshow. Way to make yourselves not seem creepy or weird ladies.
So happy that I work in the unsexy side of entertainment. No one bothers the female IT Managers when we have a bad breakup.
This is a shitshow. Way to make yourselves not seem creepy or weird ladies.
So happy that I work in the unsexy side of entertainment. No one bothers the female IT Managers when we have a bad breakup.
I intensely hate this show and hope it ends. I don’t understand why it seemed to be on the air so much since I never met a single person who liked it.
Unfortunately, he works the same hours I do but with a longer commute and less flexibility with vacation, etc.
Baby-State starts daycare in July after being waitlisted for the past 6.5 months. (Thank god for Grandparents!) Once he is in, it will cost me $250 per week, or $13,000 per year. I have to provide all food, diapers and snacks.
The thing that is going to kill me is the fact I work 10 hours a day (mandatory) and commute…
Zilly passed away peacefully this morning with my husband and I - I kept repeating that I loved him and thanked him for being my best friend for so many years.
We are devastated, completely devastated, but looking at him afterwards there was nothing left on his tiny frame and I think that he probably hanging in there…
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support.
Zilly is sitting here with me now, trying to hunker down to cuddle but I think his body isn’t going to let him stay comfortable for too long.
Thank you.
Also - I forgot to say - I am so so sorry for your loss.
This made me ugly cry.
Tomorrow AM I am putting my 19 year old cat to sleep. He’s been sick for almost a year, and lately he has gotten so much worse. I’ve been looking for any excuse to not go though with it, but his pain is getting harder for him to hide and it’s time. I’ve had him all of my adult life and he has…
If this happens I will be the happiest woman on earth.
I work in a very male dominated industry, for a company of approx 4000 people. Nearly all the women that work for my company are in accounts payable, human resources, and various assistant gigs.
Out of the entire US, I am one of three women to hold my title and…
Ehhh - I can’t have pity for these guys. When I got back into the dating scene at 34 I was told by douche canoes like these that they were looking to settle down and I was “too old”.
Mr State and I just had a healthy baby boy at 39. Suck it, losers.
Probably got a little overwhelmed by death threats from morons.
I seriously hope this guy and his wife burn in the hell they so adamantly believe in.
Oh my god, this happened to me in 2008 - 2009 when I lived in CA. The insurance company wanted to charge me 600+ per month because I was "of child bearing age", but I could pay 300-ish per month if I signed something that said they could drop me if I became pregnant.
His motive was possibly REVENGE? Did anyone else catch that? What the ever-loving fuck? Sometimes death isn't good enough.
Uggh midlife crisis-o-rama. Also - why do "edgy" artists always have women wearing white stockings? It's like a theme.
Yeah, keep posting this shit to your deviantart account dude - I'm sure you'll make it.
I will look into that too! Thank you!
Hey I'll try anything at this point.
I'm going to go all woe-is-me for a moment.
I took three rounds of Accutane in my mid-20s before my acne finally died. Then I did the v-beam laser to get rid of all the broken blood vessels and reddish/purple scarring.
Mr State and I were unable to find it. The press release Netflix sent out said that it was in the trailers section - but I was unable to find a trailers section on Apple TV. Tried the kids section, tried the King Julius section, etc etc. Even tried Youtube, but only found a 42 second teaser.
Epic, epic fail. If…