
Slightly off topic rant:

A few months back, I had a dude light one up in my office's lobby. When I asked him to put it out, because it's insanely disrespectful, he got all huffy with me about it being "vapor" and not smoke. Since then I've noticed people with them in elevators, in the malls, etc etc. They are like the new fedora.

There was a lady in her 60's working at a store I was making purchases from, she had the exact same haircut as me, but her hair was this amazing white on top/silver on the bottom color. I told her I was insanely jealous of her hair and now I'm willing my grays to come in quicker. She told me that she had been

I got a shower head with a filter and stopped using regular soap two years ago to try and get my skin to stop feeling dry and awful. I've noticed a HUGE improvement.

My fiance is from Germany, and his family still lives there. We are planning children and to (in theory) do the holidays in Germany one year and the US the next.

He always had presents brought by the Christkind later on Christmas evening, and they carry the tradition with his nieces. Trying to sort that you with

I second Inuyasha, but I always liked Sesshoumaru a little better....the one arm thing was hot.

I had a mega-crush on Keith from Voltron when I was seven or eight. When I told my best friend thinking it was totally normal, she got super weirded out.

I also had a girl-crush on Optimus Prime. I have no idea why.

Oh hell, I wanted to get one of these peels. My neighbor did it - her skin was red and peeling for a few days - but it looks AMAZING now.

I REALLY want black sclera lenses - but I know better than to buy them off of "XYZ Effects Crap Online Store" and I don't have the $$$ to do it right. So no scaring the crap out of people this year. *sigh*

If it was the mid 1990's I would agree with you, but most people need to work - and the unemployment rates are ridiculously high. Many people have others that depend on them and cannot afford to pass up bonuses due to poor performance or getting fired.

Oh, and I forgot about some of my darling coworkers. Found out YEARS later that one of my coworkers used to steal the personal photos on my desk for masturbation material in the bathroom, and another one used to sniff my seat. Regularly.

There are too many.

I freakin' loved Domino magazine - bought the design book when it came out.

This! And when you take the jeans to the tailor because they are your absolute favorites, and you will die without them - they are never the same afterwards.

Wow - this is the first time anything on my body has been considered "aesthetically pleasing" to shallow idiots. I'm going to run with it.

No words. My ex husband was like that, and he was a class A narcissist. Luckily I kicked him to the curb, but it took about 6 years to figure out it wasn't me that was the problem and another 3 of therapy to figure out that he wasn't ever going to change.

I used to love the Olive Garden's all you can eat soup, salad, and breadsticks. You could gorge yourself silly for six bucks. However, that was in my late teens early twenties when I didn't gain weight.

She went overboard when she mentioned that some of the other kids don't have fathers in their lives, but this is something my mom would have done. My parents were great, but if I stepped out of line and got caught there was holy hell to pay.

It took me years to lose my most of my accent and correct my speaking. Recently I heard a recording of myself from when I was in my late teens and I realized exactly how undereducated Rhode Island I sounded. However, I still can't say words like "drawers" without people giggling.

(Imagine just the accents from Lois