Haha - agreed!
Haha - agreed!
Oh hell, why did they have to use a Weihenstephan chalkboard for this nonsense? That's a good beer!
Superficiality begets superficiality I guess.
Southern California - LA County. Why am I not surprised?
My idea of desk rage is a little different, and this is purposely vague so my employer doesn't find out.
Right now I work in "middle management" about 10-12 hours a day and sometimes on weekends just trying to keep up with the demands of my job. I have been doing this for 17 years.
It's more pressure from my partner who wants to "do things right". While I appreciate the fact he wants to have something special, I have better ideas on what to do with that kind of money. It will get worked out in the long run, I'm just having sticker shock and I can't figure out how normal people afford this…
That's the backup plan, I'm not a huge fan of diamonds so we have been looking at various vintage rings. The nice ones still cost $$
My partner and I are getting married.
It astounds me how much everything costs, I don't want to spend $700 on a dress, another $1000 on wedding bands, and holy crap the ceremony cost...even in vegas! My coworkers are confused as to how I can be engaged without a ring, but I just refuse to let him spend $1500 to…
I live in Santa Monica, and rent is too damn high. However, the city is VERY strict with landlords and this wouldn't fly for a second.
Love love love it!
Can't believe how hard it is to find a wedding dress that isn't strapless these days.
I have PMDD and endometriosis - and I would appreciate the two days off a month.
When I start to get near THAT time, I have to take prozac AND still step back whenever I feel myself getting emotional just so I can judge if it's a "normal" reaction or if I'm crazypants. It's like severe bipolar disorder with a side…
Also - I've been working in music for 16 years, and heavy metal for 12 of those years, something like this is the tip of the horrible shit people record iceberg.
Are they signed to a label or is this just local stupidity?
If someone actually signed this, thought it was a good idea to pay for production and marketing, then I have a problem. If it's just some general idiots, then whatever - there are a shitload of bad racist/sexist bands out there and I don't have the energy…
Thank you! I was hoping that would be the case.
We don't want anyone feeling obligated to buy us something or give us money.
The man and I have been discussing getting hitched for a little while now. Neither of us wants to pay for a wedding, we have lots of house stuff already, we know that most of my family is financially strapped, and we want to buy a home. So our plan is to just go to the courthouse or do a cheap wedding in Vegas (we…
My long term boyfriend is from Germany and uncircumcised. He has zero problem getting blow jobs.
And as far as I can tell, has never had a problem getting blow jobs from past girlfriends/one night stands/etc.
Oh boy, I have PMDD as well, it's like developing severe bipolar disorder 5-6 days before my period. I will go from She-Hulk rage, to anxiety attacks, to near suicidal depression. The circular thinking that accompanies it is the worst though, I'll get hung up on one silly thing working myself up into turning the…
Wasn't the Princess of Power She-Ra? Is my memory getting hazy?
Er, I used the word "dude" far too much. Oops.