
Thank you!

Our first kiddo at 39 was on the first try, which was a HUGE shock....but the second was more difficult. I was able to get pregnant, but had a hard time staying pregnant. Long story short - I was prescribed progesterone and it all worked out w/ baby #2. I’m now 44 and I just started weight training so my old

I hope this question is not invasive, but did you have trouble conceiving? I watched “Adam Ruins Everything” regarding fertility issues, which depend on the individual rather than age.

I was a total fuck up throughout my 20's and a little bit into my 30's. Never wanted kids. But then something happened around 35 and I got married to a cool human being, stabilized my mental health and addiction situation and my POV began to change. I thought I would be this cool lone wolf person forever, but I

There are so many of these fucking people.

When we were TTC our second child and failing terribly we began looking into adoption. Then possibly into autistic adoption since our son was on the spectrum....then I got sucked down the black hole that is special needs adoption from foreign countries through Reece’s

Oh man, my sister used Sun In all the time when we were tween/teens. All those yellow streaks—brassier than a Tijuana restaurant band.

Was not fast enough to find this pic and edit it in. Class photo. About a month and a half after I got the boys cut that the stylist suggested I use mousse and spike. Totally forgot that I went though a big earrings phase so that people could tell I was a girl since I had not hit puberty yet.

Two weeks before my first day at junior high I let my best friends highlight my dark brown shoulder length hair...with an entire bottle of Sun-In. The resulting hair color could only be described as “brassy carrot mess. My mom freaked out and took me to the local hair salon a few days before school - aaand unbeknownst

Not only that, but the taxes they pay support benefits they themselves can’t claim.

Yeah, I’m not young enough anymore to know everything.

Hell, come see us when you’ve had your first pregnancy scare, or the “oh shit, I could NEVER have a kid with this person” moment.

Yeah, see me when you are 40 something and have lived though a few pregnancies that didn’t work out the way you had hoped. See me after you have lived on your own for a few years and you realize not everything is so simple.

Convincing kids that have not really lived outside of the bubble yet that abortion, etc = EVIL

Without getting in to the details for fear of doxxing myself, let me say that I have been on tour (a small portion of it) with a famous singer that everybody loves. Touring is hard. You’re on the road all the time, away from anything that’s familiar to you, your favourite pillow, your own bed, your kitchen, your

While ABA is listed as a “proven” treatment for autism, it still is pretty bullshit. I would not dream of keeping my son from flapping his hands when he is happy or stopping him from stimming when he is upset. He’s showing joy or comforting himself....and there is nothing wrong with that.
ABA also pushes the fact my

I was just thinking of Brain Balance while reading this! One just opened up near my son’s barber shop and I read up on it. Holy shit, what a scam!

That type of thing is even worse and not uncommon. Christians adopting because it’s the Christian thing to do and not because they want to have more children. Then they expect the child to be grateful.

Not to mention: These assholes run their fearmongering on the stigmatization of people with autism. Even if vaccines *did* show a causal link to autism (which they do not, don’t @ me) these folks are saying, “I’d rather risk actual death than put up with an autistic kid,” which is monstrous.

When I was in Bye Bye Birdie in high school, one gal’s poodle skirt came unfastened during a tap number and she kept on dancing, holding her skirt up with one hand and continuing whatever choreography with her right.

As a former music industry dinosaur - I feel like this ad is pretty tame. A bit ballsy to come out and say it in print considering it’s 2018, but I have seen so much worse.

The main character is such a Mary Sue. I can't with that nonsense.