
I read this story in the Mississippi accent of my childhood. And it was charming.

At the University of Alabama I took a class very similar to Jessica's. It was called The Beat Generation and basically revolved around talking about Kerouac and benzos.

People with 'depression' or 'anxiety' should be ashamed of themselves.

@lilybea: And apparently you can't be over the age of 23.

@Amry: I have that suit as well, and I freaking love it. I stalked it for probably an entire year on ModCloth* before I finally bit the bullet and bought it. It was worth every penny.

@GunwallsLizzie: This is exactly what I thought. You wear vintage Valentino while baking with a child?! You get what's coming to you.

@Ab of Dab: As someone who starts their PhD program in August at 25, all of this terrifies me. I won't be finishing my PhD until I'm 30-31. How the hell am I supposed to keep up and have a family? Since, you know, being male isn't actually an option for me.

@JerseyGrrrl: That scene gets me too. Every. single. time.

@WaffleCopter: Mine too. No Hot Pockets, though. AND I didn't tell him I was a virgin bc I didn't want him to make it a big deal. So, I just covered everything in lube and hoped for the best. Years later I told him that he'd been my first, and he was just like, "Yeah. That explains a few things. I wondered why you

Aww. This makes me really happy. Happy Birthday, Jez! And leg hugs for all!!!

@HannahBethD: I'm from Madison. So, the suburbs. And, yeah, I think that's why they did it at my high school too. Because even the guys who weren't in to dressing up had a camo jacket that they could throw on.

@HannahBethD: Um. I'm from Mississippi, and as part of Homecoming week, we always had Camo Day. Yes. Yes, I know.

Unlike the boys, who ranked "money" second, after family and before friends.

@BeckySharper: ::GASP:: YES! Yes. Oh please let this happen. Sal moves in to 28 Barbary Lane, and he and Anna Madrigal can smoke pot together. I have no idea if the time lines would match up right, but I may or may not already be writing the fan fic in my head. :)

@Tchotchke: Agreed. But you know is super hot AND has fucking hilarious standup? Aisha Tyler. Let's talk about her instead.