
@killershrew: I love him so much in Down with Love. I realize that he's basically doing an old-school Tony Randall impersonation, but he's so, so good at it.

@ChottoCoquette: My friends have a running joke that I was a drag queen in a previous life. I really, really want it to be true.

@Vivien (of the Smiths): I spent most of my freshman and sophomore years in what many people would consider pajamas. Cotton pants or shorts + t-shirt + flip flops. It was very, very common. But I lived in a college town. I feel like it would be different if you went to a university that was in a bigger city. Also, I

@starfishtat: ALSO, in what universe would that character choose to have children?! Inconsistent character development, much?

@Yaffle: Hooray! I hope it helps. It was a group effort. Also, I think I should go back and add the editors' confidence songs now.

Ha! I actually made a Confident Jezebel Playlist on Grooveshark after the last post. You are all more than welcome to steal it.

Lord alive. It took us long enough.

@coffeeandoranges: Oh, baby smell. This is how it manifests for me too. I tried to explain it to my boyfriend recently, and he had no idea what I was talking about. I was like, "You know! Baby smell!" He just looked at me blankly. Apparently baby smell is not universally acknowledged in the male sector.

@14Kgold: Yeah. Unfortunately, this was before she dated LL, and therefore, before I really knew who she was. I totally should have gone.

@zoethebitch: It breaks my heart that I will never be able to say awesome things like this. The closest I have is, "Samantha Ronson once invited me back to her hotel room." And that just doesn't have quite the same ring.

@mannequin: She's not even imitating it, like, it's not like she's just "inspired" by Courtney, she looks like a straight up Courtney caricature.

@voteforme: My mom got implants in 1989, and she still has her original set. She's had the doctor check them to make sure that they weren't leaking or damaged, and he said that they're still good to go. So, you know, I think it's kind of a case by case thing.

@EdnasEdibles: My mother was asked to resign from her position as a teacher at a Presbyterian school when she started dating again after having been divorced. Apparently, in their eyes, when your husband leaves you, you're just supposed to stay alone forever. For morality.

@airgonaut: Playlist has officially been made. I made the list that we compiled into a playlist on Grooveshark, so you can totally steal it if by just searching for me on Grooveshark. I'm southernsatine over there, too. :)

@closetalker11:@dorkitude: @everyone: I fully intend on making a Grooveshark playlist with every single one of these songs on it (even Party in the USA), putting it on shuffle and totally rocking out while I get ready tonight!