
@sassyredhead: Oh dear, this happens to me. I am pale! When I exercise, I turn ridiculous colors, on top of which, I sweat like a fat man. People always ask if I'm going to be okay and look very concerned.

Huh. Itawamba County Agricultural High School. I'm from Mississippi and I don't even know where that is. I must say, though, my suburban MS high school had many gay and lesbian students who were allowed to bring whomever they so chose to our prom in 2003. So, let's not blame the entire state. The issue here is

@NoFrillsLabelWhore: My mom always say, "Don't worry, you'll get there." When I tell her that I don't want kids. I'm like, you know, I wasn't worried. I made this decision purposefully. Also, when exactly do you think I'm going to magically change my mind? I like children, but I've never really wanted my own. I don't


@Sabriel: Ha! Don't worry, I do that all the time. I have a B.S. in Psychology, so I am totally qualified to psychoanalyze you. Or, um, not.

@rixatrix: Oh my, me too. There are times when I think that it would be so cathartic and freeing to just sell everything I have and start over from scratch (Like, um, every time that I move). I could be a minimalist! I could do better next time! But, of course, I don't.

@barb95: I'm partial to "Lord alive!"

@thirdboat: So, so true. Many people with high functioning autism don't consider it a disorder so much as they consider it a different way of processing information and seeing the world (Temple Grandin, for instance).

Ugh. As an individual who has done years of psychological research on autism spectrum disorders, I just can't have this argument anymore. I'm too tired. Get over it Jenny. Science says you're wrong.

She should get her own show. Because she is awesome in real life. No script needed. I love her so much! Seriously, I would watch her talk to anyone.

@BlondeGoddess: I always wonder how her mother and her sister feel about it. I feel like it would break my mother's heart to watch me try so desperately to fix perceived flaws that were never there to begin with.

@BAngieB: Won't someone think of the CHILDREN?! Wait...

The whole thing just makes me sad for her. I can't even snark. Remember how cute she used to be?

@greydove: Yes. I have been to exaggerate on occasion.

@CoalMineCanary: Yeah. J.Crew (and Jezebel) recently informed me that topsiders were back in. But, um, I never stopped wearing mine.

@this_charming_one: And the many types of food that I wanted to eat. Not a very helpful journal, all in all.