
@Scout: Also, Tom Cavanaugh. Whom I love more than anything and perhaps more than is warranted.

@rodmanstreet: Why do you lock yourself up in these khains?

@kemperboyd: Also, her grandfather's name is John. So, it's not ridiculous.

@dumblonde: Word. My ex gave some damn good gifts, and I will not get rid of them. Not because I'm hung up on him, but because I'm smart.

Okay. Beyond the ridiculousness of Beyonce being considered "dark", is that actually an article about OMG THE MAGIC OF FOUNDATION!! As if this is some revolutionary new makeup breakthrough and not just exactly the same thing that we've all been using since Max Factor invented the shit?

@grapeskitlls: ME TOO! I mean, I have one dimple, on my right side. I love my dimple, but I hate how my eyes always look lopsided. I doubt anyone else notices the eye thing.

@Blueberry26: Seriously, y'all. I am more attractive now at 25 then I was in my teens and early 20's. It takes time to grow into yourself and to learn to make the best of what you have. In fact, I tell my 15 year old sister (when she complains about her looks) that A. she is perfectly fine the way she is and that B.

@badly drawn girl: I make my own gluten free cake! Ever since Betty Crocker started making gluten free mixes my life has been rainbows and sunshine. Seriously, their gluten free brownie mix is Ah-mazing!

@ninjakitten: So true. I've been trying to convince my mom that she probably is gluten intolerant (since it's genetic). She refuses to budge, even though I've assured her that she would feel 110% better if she just gave it a try. People just get very caught up on the whole "no bread" thing, when in reality I eat

@Buggie: A mild panic attack works for me every. time.

You know what changed my digestive life? Giving up gluten. Seriously. I used to be stopped up constantly, but since I stopped eating gluten 8 months ago, all is well. My stomach is flatter, I don't get crazy bloated anymore and everything moves along as it should. It's amazing.

@PortraitHat: Yeah. But Shark Boy grows up to be a ridiculously hot werewolf. So, there's that.

@Hooplehead: @all: Thank you for this. Patton Oswalt made my morning infinitely better. :)

@rhymeswithfeather: Is this statistic actually true? I'd love to see their sources.

@alwayswrite: I also had a friend who worked for A&F in high school. At one point she worked in her underwear! They said it was for a fashion show to "model" the new line, but she was required to wear her fashion show outfit (tiny boxer shorts and a camisole) for her entire shift. It was pretty gross.

@girl_talk: Um. Samantha was my absolute favorite. But then, I grew up a freckled blonde kid so my Mom wanted me to have Kit. I absolute had to have Samantha though. Mostly I just thought her stuff was the prettiest. Also, tiny copy of The Wizard of Oz!


@mipsy6: Although, I still like Phineas and Ferb and I'm a 25 year old woman. So, there's that.

Okay. Between that jacket in #6 and the blazer that Sandra Bullock wore to the Oscars luncheon, I am seriously lusting for a blazer with an asymmetrical neckline. Where oh where do I find one?!