My apology was not an apology at all, but instead, yet another poorly thought out, base, and immature attempt at humor.
My apology was not an apology at all, but instead, yet another poorly thought out, base, and immature attempt at humor.
As long as they’re also in the bus, let’s hope.
Fuck this shit.
As someone who has cared for someone with a colostomy, this comparison of Lewandowski to a colostomy bag is an insult to colostomy bags.
This is pretty standard stuff. Gotta burn through those vacation and sick days before you leave your employer
It’s like if Billy Crystal was hit upside the head with a tire iron.
We’ll know he’s hit bottom once he revives the Merv Griffin Show.
William Fichtner + Christopher Walken from Batman Returns = the man in that picture
I am so confused...I need a whiteboard and an assortment of colored dry makers to figure this out.
You know reporters aren’t going to get a real answer to this question, especially from Belichick and the Patriots. But by the same token, everybody on the Patriots knows the question is coming, so the stare down is just rude and an attempt to bully.
I guess when you’ve just been catching kids thrown/dropped from a burning building, you’ve earned the chance to diss local sports men.
Welcome to America in 2019, where Arians claim to be helping a Gay but really just want to set them further back.
Um, dude had his hands up. That means “I’m open!” Center simply didn’t lead him enough.
“I guess Sitowski owes him money.”
That’s just how a Scarlet Knight celebrates after he has just scored.
Group chat’s gonna be lit tonight
I’m saving reply this post.
Though not the saddest Natalie Wood story.
Once again, a soccer story that ends with no scoring.