I’m sorry, “scientists”?
I’m sorry, “scientists”?
Hot merging action!
“Word on the street is you’re a jerk!”
The headlight fixed itself.
“This makes Driving Miss Daisy look like Bullitt!”
Joe Don Baker IS Mittens...he’s a cop!
It’s totally believable, especially for his children and grand children. If your only image of your dad is a loving and caring man who wrote beloved children’s books and then you see a quote written in a magazine where he says something anti-Semitic, it’s hard to fight against what you know vs what you’ve heard. It’s…
I didn't think it was odd, either. They were saying his antisemitism was Dahl at his absolute worst (which is pretty clearly a condemnation of those beliefs) and reminding people that the awful stuff you say will hang around forever.
Yeah, I didn’t think that was “odd,” as Sam called it. They are saying let’s learn from the bad things he did and not be like that.
“we hope that, just as he did at his best, at his absolute worst, Roald Dahl can help remind us of the lasting impact of words.”
Right? Both signs look to be in the same handwriting. Maybe Baldwin’s holding it because he happened to be standing next to Rudolph. Assuming that it somehow means “I deserve credit for getting rid of Trump. You’re welcome” is inane, absent any specific evidence to that end.
Baldwin may be a douche, but this seems to me like an overreaction to me.
Personal trainer/sperm donor....aren’t they the same people?
With any luck, he gets his height from his mom’s former personal trainer.
Unable to conjure a single one of their names, however, she mutters something about how there’s “some I would not mention right now because they should stay in their lane,” which, what?
Whoa there. This is about division of property/earnings during the marriage, in which 2 people contribute to the family unit. Not about sex. You’re pretty close to sounding like a men’s rights lawyer.
A slowed down dramatic version of the original song, a la Johnny Cash’s rendition of “Hurt”.
I know that when I was a youngster, the first thing I did after I got a paycheck from my video-on-demand distribution deal was pay off the renovations to one of my royal family’s homes.
Yeah, that ludicrous hot take really undermines what was otherwise a pretty interesting article. Thanks to last year’s lackluster remake, we have now seen what Aladdin would be like without Robin Williams, and the fact that it seems so completely empty and devoid of life without his manic pop culture riffing should…