Southern Dandy

3 minutes and 30 seconds” Rick Pitino is in awe at that stamina.

That’s plagiarism, you need to put it in quotes and attribute the quote to its rightful owner, Jim Irsay.

“Yes, I misused the term ‘concussion’ in my earlier statement. That’s to be expected, though.  Lots of people mix up words and misuse them after suffering a concussion.”

Sure, he has to retract his misuse of ‘concussion’ and ‘nerve damage’, but no one says a thing to the Lions about their use of ‘NFL Franchise’

The Lion’s brass emphasized that it was, at worst, a brown out.

“This young Guerrero Jr. is a star in the making, and Canadians have adopted them as their own. I propose we find an appropriate way to honor him, and I have a few ideas.”

Nothing says "I'm innocent!" Like threatening your accuser. You want all the lawyers to have a copy of that so nobody can deny you did it. 

What kind of moron sends threats in a GROUP text?  

I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with this guy. 

I've typed out like 6 different jokes but I can't bring myself to post any. This shit isn't funny. This fucker shouldn't be playing in the NFL right now making millions of dollars. He should be in jail or therapy or both. Fuck this guy.

The ironic thing about base-2 advocates is that many of them never get there.

When he gets to 2048, all the base-2 advocates can celebrate.

“What do you mean she’s taking a vacation and will coincidentally be staying in the same hotel???”

Why, why, why would someone ungray a dude with shepardonafence101 as a screen name?

Tessa has Virtue but Scott wants Moir.

Unless you have hiv and are planning on fucking the entire public, no, you have no “duty” to tell “the public” or “whomever” shit if you have hiv. Yes, you tell partners. No one else is entitled to know a goddamned thing.

The British tabloid press continues to be one moral step below guys who sell fake insulin but the real story here is how rugby union has managed to be the most progressive “tough guy” sport on the planet.

More like Paul Substandardbaum amiri...

Any suggestions as to why Hager might have done this can be sent directly to me at