The Nazis burning books is too ubiquitous.
The Nazis burning books is too ubiquitous.
Handling political stuff is complicated; leaving yourself wide open to attacks because you’ve publicly declared yourself a target, and have no plan to protect yourself beyond blind luck, is just being dumb IMO. This is obviously subjective, but combined with how we don’t know why he wants to be daimyo so bad, I feel…
I didn’t mind it too much but yeah it does kind of undercut the humor in the ROTJ scene when we see the keeper weeping over the Rancor’s death.
When he has his helmet off and black robes on, I can't help but think "Boba Fester".
Sophie looks great though, I wonder if it have worked better if they had ditched the band and just had Boba take her under his wing. Maybe even RR could have salvaged that chase if it was one-on-one. Whatever cred he had is going fast. The second episode train chase under Steph Green worked so much better.
Thanks for posting this screenshot. The bikes look like absolute garbage from some cheesy SyFy show.
He already should’ve had goons. Jaba did. Fortuna, even in a compromised position, still had to have a lot of people to run any kind of criminal enterprise. Boba should still have some access to them. Many would be invested in keeping the enterprise going for their own monetary stakes and avoiding potential retaliation…
I dunno. But most of the time I’m like “I wish he’d keep his helmet on”. So that’s probably the answer right there
I liked it well enough til this episode. Now I’m hoping to not actively dislike it.
That chase sequence was so cringe. I feel like Rodriguez was letting his Spy Kids flag fly making that one.
This episode felt dull and boring, like Favreau doesn’t know what to do with the character or the story. It’s disappointing that after being reintroduced like a badass in The Mandalorian S2, he’s now quickly turning into Bore-a Fett, an incompetent crime lord who is always two steps behind his adversaries.
I was going to say that the Book of Boba Fett is the first truly bad show on Disney+, then I remembered What If? So, yeah, not the first, but, oh man, is this show awful! Even though What If? was often dumb and terribly written, at least it wasn’t lazy. Everyone on Boba Fett looks like they’re about to nod off mid…
This show is so weird. You’d think the one thing Fett had going for him as an aspiring crime lord is an intimidating reputation, but he’s spent every episode getting publicly disrespected in between getting his ass kicked. And he’s going out of his way to not hurt people who clearly want to kill him, when hurting…
Yeah, I thought the new characters came off a bit as Boba Fett’s Funky Bunch, with Skittles Skooters (taste the rainbow™). They made everything in the episode feel especially juvey. And the only character who at least looked intimidating ended up being a big puss (the dark-haired Wookie).
And the absolutely putrid special effects
While I did still enjoy the show, although certain aspects of it will soon probably become grating, there were three visual scenes that legit made me giggle over how utterly silly they were.
That chase was uncomfortable to watch because of how obviously slowly the vehicles were moving. The landspeeder didn’t even seem like it was going to clear the debris it was dislodging from precariously-placed overhangs.
I mean, nobody is forcing you to do this. But also anyone who hassles you for not drinking enough sucks.
I actually think you’re the exception and that most average non-problem drinkers would have a difficult time giving up alcohol for a month.
If you don’t understand the motivation for Dry-January, or you think people who are taking part in it are “joyless puritans”, then fine - it’s not for you. But perhaps instead of name-calling or dismissing other people’s attempts at moderation, you try keeping your thoughts to yourself and let the people who are…