
Remember disemvoweling?  LOL

Same here.  Got starred many years ago and now am in Grayland.

I liked how the end of the burning cigarette Kim lit for Jimmy was the only color object in the scene.

I accidentally clicked on the season 1 episode 1 and the first minutes are Delores seated and a fly walks across her open eye.  

Sounds like a nod to the short story The Most Dangerous Game. A survival story.

Why do drones bleed? No one is mistaking them for humans.

What’s the deal with the white/faceless hosts that rebuild Charlotte and do all the clean up work? They can’t eat because they have no mouths, so why bother giving them skin and blood and guts? Doesn’t make sense. Why do hosts need to eat and drink at all in the new world? And the whole blood thing makes no sense if

You forgot the 1975 made for TV movie UFO Incident about Barney and Betty Hill.

How about the title Generation Loss?

And the title “generation loss” could play into that— why they have to go back to the original human so they don’t lose too much data when they generate a new MIB host. Think about making duplicate copies of videos— if you duplicate a copy of a copy of a video (from the old VHS days, esp), there is generation loss.

“...if they live to be adults...” FTFY.

Haha! Yes.  So much terrible content.

They also point out that real William has more wrinkles on his face than host William, whose skin is smoother.

Did you not see the first episode?

Thanks for the slideshow recap.  I forgot about 99% of that stuff.

I hope Westworld has a robust recap before the new season because it’s been so long I forgot a lot.

Mario Kart steering wheel! LOL!!!

He also said next season will have more laughs

By “you people,” he means people not in a cult. 

Tell that to the cops who were caught smashing windows and setting fires during the BLM movement. On Jan 6, your precocious team got caught beating cops, tearing down the American flag and replacing it with Trump a flag. You are in a cult. You can’t see it, because you are in it. Please wake up.