
How does any of it actually do anything?

Hopefully this de-grays this comment. The entire comment system has indeed been broken since Kinja. It was a much more robust and self-policing system before Kinja, and if anything, I felt a much stronger sense of community back then. I’d be lucky to recognize a single poster these days, and there’s seemingly no rhyme

I’m not convinced it’s possible to get out of the grays any more. I was “starred” many many years ago, then I got banned out of the blue without any explanation (when asking about it the reply I got was that when someone gets banned the offending post is deleted and they have no idea why it happened. Good system.) and

So Hale removed her own pearl, but then was still able to control her body to crush it? Seems like she would have frozen once the orb was out of its cradle. I guess I really don’t understand how Westworld robot tech works.

William had a head start. He was already making tracks while the drones were giving Charlotte her upgraded erector set body.

I love this movie. But I'm not going into a super-spreader death box for actually new and exciting stuff I can’t just stream at home (hey, Inu-Oh!), so I don't see myself running out to catch this.

A chance to rewatch the best Star Wars film with a booming IMAX sound system is something I can’t pass up!

I really like “Rogue One”. It is one of the best for me. The politics of the plot do not get in the way of the over all arc of the story nor the adventure.

Still my favorite modern Star Wars film, flaws and all.

My position and the foundations for it are not intolerant. It is reasonable with a long history to support it.

A “position of love” does not involve denigrating people on Twitter and using crass derogatory rhetoric. What part of #WeenieChop says love and understanding to someone trying to make a life affirming decision as to their gender or sexuality.

No, it’s “love” with capital quotation marks. It’s love that they manufacture without taking into account the actual person it’s affecting.

Conservatives are promoting “violence” in that their stance on trans youth, and all of what you’ve alluded to in your post, is at odds with trans youth’s well-being.
You are actively promoting self-loathing that often leads to self-harm and suicide.

Jimmy lied but did it with a soft touch and did it in a way that comforted Howard’s widow. Kim just dug the knife in. That’s pretty much what their relationship has been like for the past season or two with Kim being the cold blooded and Jimmy still having a bit of a conscience about things

Yes, I think the point was that this was as exposed as Gus was willing to be. He was willing to subtle suggest that David might come to his house and try the wine that David had talked about. When David said he hoped Gus would tell him what the wine was like when he tried it, Gus took that as a rejection of his offer.

They display frighteningly real sincerity even in a situation like trying to convince a widow who has been (wrongly) made to believe that her husband died by suicide and was a drug addict, all in the name of covering their role in the man’s death.

Maybe some ended up like that homeless guy - rejected for seeing the truth. Children on the other nad grew up with the harness on their brains and just nightmares sometimes hinting what was done to them.

Well, that’s not entirely true is it?

I miss the times when Joe Rogan was best known for being the host of Fear Factor, I really do.

When the Veep and Assistant show up later, they—or, obviously, their Host replacements