The only correct version as rendered by Honest Trailers (starts at 3:05)
The only correct version as rendered by Honest Trailers (starts at 3:05)
Oh - absolutely! I’ve worked in a number of huge-to-fairly-large bureaucracies and no matter how much you think you “know” your HR person or people, when it comes down to it, they back the company.
I’ve always found HR to be a progressive place.
This. Human Resources has NEVER been about protecting employees. That is what unions do.
Yeah, this is something that is extremely important to learn, and that (at least in the US) most people don’t seem to know, partially because we’re taught that HR is our friend. HR is certainly capable of helping you, but generally that help is an afterthought if the company’s needs are different than yours.
I’m so sorry. Direct and specifically derogatory comments were made about me by my woman supervisor in front of her supervisor (man) and when I finally got around to my complaint, they both denied that these things were said. And as I mentioned, they were so specific that I don’t think I coulda/woulda made them up.…
I work in HR. Can confirm. We are not your friend.
I (a female POC) learned, through my last job in tech, to not trust HR with a complaint. My male boss made inappropriate comments to me during a one-on-one. I reported it to HR (a female POC). The next week MY performance was called into question as, in the interim, my boss had gone to 6 of my female (possibly 1 male) …
HR Professional here, and I’m going to be a downer (as usual). There’s a lot of politics at the level that she’s talking. I doubt very much she’s midlevel professional.
For all the average Janes that are expecting or trying to get pregnant, I cannot stress enough to document every thing related to your performance and…
Jared is the only one for whom a Madame Tussaud wax figure will look more lifelike than him.
“Wouldn’t that be great?” Love this movie. Was on heavy rotation at my house when I was a kid, since it was one of my parents’ favorites. Have to show my own kids soon! “Refund?!? Refund!! REfund?”
oh, yeah!
The new one is pretty great! Drew is fucking wrong. It’s ok, I still love him, but he’s fucking wrong. This is the danger of the old man contrarian/hot-take game.
Yeah, it seems weird to grab a band who doesn’t claim to be a rock band and then write a blog about them not being a rock band. If he wants to bitch about bands that don’t rock hard enough for him, he needs to put on a jean-jacket vest and stand by his camaro in a 7-eleven parking lot.
C’mon Drew. Life’s not all misery. While I too love to drown in the darth guitars and angst of Bob Mould and Husker Du - Ezra and the VP gang still make pretty pop songs with worldly flourishes that tickle the brain like really good ASMR. I mean, their new tune “This Life” is both joyous and depressing at the same…
Love Drew but he missed on this one. Why does he keep insisting that they somehow represent the state of rock? Clearly, they are not a rock band or at least not in the sense that they are trying to rock out. That’s cool if they don’t click for him or anyone else but it’s hard to argue with both critical and…
As someone who has had multiple songs selected for “Song that makes me wanna run through a goddamn bricked wall,” I gotta say, Vampire Weekend is pretty dope. But they don’t make you want to run through a goddamn brick wall. Whoever is labeling them as “rock,” like Rob Harvilla did in his recent article, is pretty far…
This is the worst place to leave out a word in this article: