This guy: “He just kept a mentally-ill human in a cage and tortured them for a year, I’m sure he doesn’t pose a threat to society, let’s let him go”
This guy: “He just kept a mentally-ill human in a cage and tortured them for a year, I’m sure he doesn’t pose a threat to society, let’s let him go”
Why? Why won’t Tony Stark be driving it in future Iron Man or Avengers movies? Does it get stolen or something?
Red stripey things on the outside of the ball + spinny spin spin + air = dancing ball
Alvarado, why don’t you swing for the fences?
You been caught lookin’ senseless, so so long now.
Well, this is a trainwreck of a thread...
Just choo on it for awhile
It appears you’re looking for the weekly Fine Hanging Jewelry Small Detail Appreciation Club get together, where pedants dissect pendants.
Too much hassle? This took me 10 seconds, it’s the correct aircraft,
I think you can! I think you can!
Diesel tide me over until you can think of some more
I was trying to think of an Amtrak joke, but I couldn’t stay on track.
“British Airways would like to apologize for today’s delay in travel. Those responsible have been sacked”
I feel like that’s the response of everyone who works in an “industry.”
whoopsie doodles
The really dumb question: Why does she even need a degree? What could it possibly do for her? Why would her parents pay 500k to get her into a good school when they could put that same money toward ... idk, launching a clothing line or acting classes or some other kind of self promotion more in line with this woman’s…
What I don’t understand is, if this girl so clearly hasn’t a shred of interest in actually getting an education at USC, why did her parents resort to what amounts to a felony to get her in there? Lack of a college education hasn’t hurt the K-J clan financially.
Those cheek highlights are not great advertising for her palette.
Who's Loughlin now?
Yeah, I really want to be a fly on the wall when JANAVS’ two daughters read the transcript of that phone call in which he flat out says one of them is too dumb to catch on to this scheme but the other one might figure it out.