Hop to it!
I guess it is actually preference. I will accept the overturned call, but also maintain that “fount” is more traditional and I’m old so I prefer it.
“she cannot help but be an endless font of chaos...” It’s endless “fount” of chaos.
What is that a photo of? Momma cat thought-controlling her kittehs?
“Lettuce pray...”
You gotta have faith
Now I’m sad. I thought I made up the joke at the vet when they take the pet temperature.
A well thought-out and presented post. 40% of Americans will say it is 100% wrong. That is a problem.
Powerful writing. Now when his name is searched, his story (through your writing) is there to be told.
Maybe the aliens from Crystal Skull could take Indy with them and bring him to Endor and he could meet Han Solo before TFA, and undo everything that happened after Return of the Jedi.
How about my Ps2?
HR works for management to protect the company. The sooner people realize this, the sooner you will understand the true role of your HR deparment.
It’s a-me!
This was very well written. A good read.
This, combined with the other news about hot tea increasing chances of getting cancer, is a bad news for me. I like sugary tea, so I am done. At least my sugary sodas and hot tea kept me awake and alive when I needed a caffeine boost while driving, and gave me extra awake hours with family when I similarly needed a…
1) Did not realize the thread was old, thanks for the info.
In many cases, common core deserves its much-maligned reputation.
As someone who does not go out to many movies, I decided to see Bohemian Rhapsody because it would be on a big screen with a big sound system. The movie was very good and the sound was terrific. Very glad I did not skip it.