Somethingwittyer likes noisy

Honestly I just enjoy driving, especially by myself. Its almost like meditation, you can get "in the zone" and just not have to think about other stuff. Or, if you want to think about other stuff, you can do that in peace and quiet, in your own bubble of isolation. Until some asshole cuts you off, at least.


Dear Chevy.

A modern day Mega Track? YES PLEASE!

Headlight eyelashes. Not extremely ostentatious, but...

Bring it on bitch, Im batcrossover.

Yeah, jaguar isn't going after the "I have a 7 y/o outback" crowd.

only if it gives the world moar of this. only then.

Now playing

What could be more authentic and real than Brad Pitt in a Corolla?


Statute of limitations.

Give it two months and they'll come up with a Chevy Silverado Street Fighter Turbo Alpha EX HD Versus Edition.

Also: A V-8 Supercar has no turbo, no adaptive suspension, and 18" wheels. Well, shucky-gosh-darn, it must not be a racecar. The Aussies will be so disappointed.

Subaru is also in the position that it's getting people who've consistently bought things like Volvo, Saab, VW/Audi and no longer do because they can't get a wagon or because those "premium" brands are just far too expensive these days. Probably helps too that cars like the Impreza and Outback no longer get awful gas

According to German business journal Wirtschaftswoche, the super-efficient diesel-electric hybrid XL1 will cost 111,000 Euro, which is about $146,000 in the U.S. Fffffwhaaa?

The sight of a Dudebro with a Confederate Flag always makes me facepalm.

Squared off C-Pillars should DIE.

Just let the teams fight already. Fine and ban the team mates separating the fighters, make a cage in the middle of the oval for settling the scores and enjoy the show.

I'd much rather watch the 80's cartoon. Michael Bay ruined a franchise and Americans are just eating that shit up.