Somethingwittyer likes noisy

You know, I'm not really a fan of Chestnut wood (especially in Merc's, I hate them with a passion), but damn, even I have to admit it looks fantastic.

Goodbye LaFerrari wallpaper, hello 328 wallpaper.

Damn it you beat me to the post.

Now we just have to America to watch people to watch the Austin GP ... tehhhe, I'm sorry, trying to convince American's to watch football over any other sport is like trying to convince the south to give up their gun rights. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that's happening.

So this was what he was doing during his "sick days" in testing...... I kid I kid.

The amount of understeer that gti presumably has would make a VRX Astra blush. I say that because this is the first thing that pops up into my mind when seeing overpowered FWD cars.

If this was a perfect world with no financial logic this 4-banger would be going into the next gen Capri rather then Mustang. Alas, even I know reviving a nameplate for a light-weight sports car (I mean, the Mustang is sport-sedan sized) almost nobody knows about doesn't make any since.

From Los Angeles to New York on only back roads (kind of like what TG:mag did with the Focus ST) with 5000$ 60's/pre fuel crisis 70's muscle cars. That or a trip across Japan in 1000$ (I have no idea what that equals up to in Yen) kei cars.

There should be a class in Baja for trucks like this. Maybe like the pre-established trucks that run in Dakar?

Love the internet. Seriously, one minute their complaining about how convoluted and busy modern car design is, next minute their bashing the fairly clean lines (well, for modern car design anyway) of the F-Type. I mean come on, just look at dat ass!

Really? Women won't even conciser a Ford Focus or Fusion? DAMN YOU CONSUMER REPORTS!!!!!!!

Kind of sounds like the love child of a high reving Honda four and a Subie flat-four with the up shift crackles from AMG's 6.3 V8

What's going to power it? Because I'm not sure that ancient boxer four-banger is going to work.

I hope there is some aftermarket firm that sells headlights that are like the concepts. I really don't know if I can live with the current headlights....

It's using a continuously variable intake, so that might be the reason.

O hi there new wallpaper.....

The grill looks almost nothing like an Astons. If anything, the tailights remind me of the One-77's.

I know this is a crazy idea, but what if Honda is pulling a Civic with the NSX and are completly retooling the project behind our backs? I don't know, I just get the feeling that they had a major change mid way though and are starting from scratch, a la LFA.

I agree with everything, exsept the fact Acura might make cayman competitor.

So nobodies excited about the fact Ferari might have saved the V12 and maybe even the NA engine it's self. Serously, because of the electric motor that high reving V12 can run at much lower opperating speed, so needing turbo's for low end torque will be compleatly useless.