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Saw the concept in real life and to me it was stunning. I also saw an R8 and let me tell you besides the stance (which isn't as R8ish in real life due to the NSX being much lower and angular) didn't look alike at all. It was so good that is one of the highlights of my trip to the NY auto show, which is quite

Two things: 1. Who thought giving it a chrome unibrow was a good idea?!? 2. Those taillights look like the same taillights on the new IS, though it doesn't protrude out from the rear as much as the IS's does.

It is to the CR-V as the Sirocco to the golf, but instead of a cool look and practical shooting brake you get a fairly descent (though not brilliant looking) crossover that would look a million times better if it were a regular compact/hatchback (next gen CR-X maybe?).

In that case my faith in BMW/Mini has been restored somewhat.

With the amount of new cars the Germans launched in Detroit today I'm starting to wonder if they have anything left to show for Geneva.

It's also bigger then the car it replaces (though I can only conform that from spy shots).

Really depressed guy on the ground: "Yep, this is being made and not the Rocketman. Also, I have a strong feeling to obliterate Munich".

It's an American website and a car that has shown what America can do when it's not hindered by bean counters (dynamically at least), even during the darkest times in GM's history.

Well, I am quite found of a good looking super-sedan and am sure that you don't need two testicles to get on in life......

So basically it's an RS that's too expensive and can't control it's torque steer.

You guys missed some pointers that were talked about during the video conference. Apparently it will have a rev-matching feature (like of that found on the 370 Z), get to 60 under 4 seconds, pull 1 G on the skid pad (which to me is the most impressive part), lose 99 pounds from the frame alone and every model will

20 bucks says that they also show their ALMS racer to counter what SRT did with the Viper.

Well Chevy is starting to put up the teaser video's on the feed, so conference is soon. I do wonder if there are going to be any major surprises.

The lower intake has that same "aero bar" design element from the Merc E class AMG. And like the Merc it doesn't work at all.

You know how Top gear had that campaign about stupid road signs and C&D has their campaign about saving the manuals? Well while doesn't Jalopnik start a proper campaign to get BS CAFE laws fixed and have manufactures to bring wagons over here? Think about it; educating the public about wagons and BS CAFE laws, which

57,100 dollars. No way in hell I'm going to buy this over a used 1M.

Holy crap, I never realized the Corvette's engine bay was THAT long.

QOTD right here.

The way the taillights stretch to the arches reminds me of the e60's taillights (which is not a good thing). Also it looks as if there is no D pillar.

So Nissan has enough money in their R&D budget to make a car that nobody has ever asked for but not enough money to bring anything Renault RS related over to the states , make a hot version of their Sentra, hire proper car designers, or start development on a 240 sx est sports car. Guess convertible crossovers that