
Cell data slower? No.

YES!! I thought it was just me! Not just cellular data, but general cellular connection strength as well seems to have gotten worse. I’m on Verizon and haven’t seen a carrier update in a while.

Yeah but it would be filled with microtransactions. “Hey! You can unlock Tatooine if you buy 100 Kyber Crystals! Or for REAL value, spend $90 on 100,000!”

I wonder what impact this will have on insurance and accidents in the next year or so?

Listen up MoonTopples Fucko, I want to thank you for a neat and concise explanation of the word fucko and how to use it properly.

“Fucko” works best immediately following the phrase “listen up.” It’s a very concise way of displaying your utter contempt for the person you are addressing. It’s even better if the next thing you say is either remarkably stupid or completely off topic.

Hi, I’m a doctor with degrees in reproductive health and health education - I wanted to add a few important pieces of information to what you said in this article. Latex, polyeurethane, and polyisoprene condoms are non-porous - HIV cannot get through. BUT, “lambskin” condoms ARE porous, and the teeeeeny holes are

They should also take away your achievements and give them to a player with a white character who didn’t earn them.

Keep telling yourself that.

Lol, sure they are.

South Park is getting in on the real life simulator here.

I love how they actually accomplish capturing Cali´s culture and overall feel of that time. I am from Cali and grew up during the Rodriguez’s reign in the Valle, and man it’s actually endearing to hear the music, see my city and hearing those accents again. And I wasn’t a fan of the first few seasons, but this time

Little known fact: Juan Sebastian Calero is Vicky Hernandez’ son. That’s why that particular scene was so special.

I appreciate Ms. Dagg’s comments; she spoke the truth. It’s sad that a grown women would use “I’m pregnant” after the fact (of her ass-whoppin’) to try to get revenge on someone on the person that “she” attacked first! Ms. Dagg was defending herself, and I don’t believe that she knew the racist person was pregnant (if

Somebody hungry for a knuckle sandwich and a bottle of punch?

When I visited, it seemed pretty common to eat outside the 7-11. Some even had counters for you to stand and eat at. It seemed like it was ok, as long as you were stationary. Walking and eating/drinking got some looks. Also, there seemed to be rubbish cans near the 7-11. If you walked away, you had to carry your trash

If they didn’t want you drinking as you walked, why put awesome drink vending machines on every single block?

Godzilla never dies.

This happens on the Highway too much, I sound like I have the cussing version of tourettes in my car. Always a long line on the left lane I’m in passing a truck on the right and a slow ass car in front lets 1 or even 2 people swoop in, if there is any potential for cutting I speed up and let those idiots know to get