
What is going on with this? How about focusing some basic life skills instead? The article touched on communication and apologizing, I think that’s very valid. What should also be considered- Making basic food, being able to perform basic hygiene functions, Being able to create a schedule, understand and abide by our

Are the writers here just bored anymore? Doctor of opinions over here trying to fluff that paycheck. Imagine thinking using periods right now in the world is an issue that warrants this type of write up...

Hey, they don’t spend a lot of time on the modern day stuff, either.

:( sat down hoping for a fully fleshed out list

I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.

This is about dealing with letting go. And facing the life after.

I’ve said this at the end of each season, Alex, but once again, thank you for these pieces. They’re what I wish for most from reading reviews. They added to the experience, highlighted things I might’ve missed or provided context or trivia I might not have been aware of, and had an insightful point of view.

It didn’t end how I thought it might end, but it did end exactly where I wanted it to... with Darlene and Elliott alone. It was gutwrenching and wonderful.

You get someone who understands the business and the data and you have a VERY valuable employee. It’s shockingly rare too, most people just stay in their silos but if you’re good at both it can be a very lucrative position to be in.

Holy shit! “Ex of Cal Abar”.. The coded messages in this show go DEEP... quite literally in this scenario! Bahahaha

Russ’ Spider-Man hop up the steps was great too.

Always exciting to see new articles from you Peter Tieryas, in particular when they are about games I know well - and in this case we can disagree:)

Unfortunately, I think so-I don’t think this show is making it in. I think lots of people just gave up after Season 2 (I understand why-I still don’t like Season 2). But ya know? Lots of my favorite shows have had rough seasons and I have still complained about them not getting the attention they deserve, so you’re

You guys lock in your top 100 shows of the decade already? This is playing out like one of the best seasons of TV period right now.

If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.

Trigger warning: discussing suicide

It’s so Tyrell to rush over to Elliott’s in person the moment he has the excuse of good news 

“Save that piss for my chest.”


The golden rule in The Good Place writers’ room seems to be “Never put off until next episode, that which you can do this episode.”