
I love this dude. Born in 1914. Still sharp of mind and mobile. We should all be so lucky.

The NES could not do the above image. The fact that the headline states the systems are rendering themselves is misleading. The article itself even states this. I mean come on.

Sort of. The problem is, as has become apparent lately, is “What are Facts?” and to a second degree, “The weight of the facts”. So while this is most likely aimed at a certain group of people (Charlottesville), who’s to say the same isn’t true going the other way (in a more general sense)? LeBron vs Kobe...a

What salesman worth their name does not try and upsell?

Not sure what you’re thinking here. Maranellos have seen some of the fastest appreciation on the Ferrari market recently as they approach that psychologically important twenty-year mark. Used to be that a number of good ones were continuously available in the $80k range; now well-kept examples are double that, unless

Need for Speed taught me all about these beauties, and I’m pretty sure Nicolas Cage is pointing at a 550 when doing his “self-indulgent weiners” line in Gone in 60 Seconds. That line is pretty ironic now, considering that any 550 you’d see out and about is probably owned by a connoisseur and not a new-money whatever.

This new engine is amazing! It will revolutionize the industry with new expectations for mpg across the board.

One year, but yeah. This is stuff they at least implied, if not outright stated, would be in the game at launch. What has become increasingly obvious over the past year is that NMS was not finished, and most of the defenses of the game as a “minimalist experience” or whatever are being shot full of holes by the game’s

And this took two years to accomplish why?

I’ve attended two universities that used At both it depended on the individual faculty member’s desire to utilize it, and in my experience, very few did with any regularity.

Sounds like a typical scientist/engineer. They look at the data (can he function without her) and make a decision based on the data (yes, he can) and people’s feelings don’t matter.

People seemed to be most conscerned about any EV being able to operate as a primary car, not a secondary, commute-only vehicle. Which makes sense; despite low interest rates and crazy subprime lending opprurones, nobody wants to fill their driveway with single-use vehicles. Only the rich have the income for single-use

His most successful tunnelling endeavour to date

Your name is 31 savage, how can you even talk?

Just don’t flaunt your flirtation in public too much.

I would also add “don’t use praise to force your kid down a path you want them to go down.”

IMO, MGS2 was the best thing to happen to Metal Gear Solid as a whole.

Does it work where you have no data like when in grocery stores (even with Verizon)? No? SMS does. I’ll use that. PS: SMS doesn’t require FB. I deleted my account a few weeks ago and have loved it. Don’t care to go back.