
Nagasu's routine was almost flawless. I was sure she would make it. I think to say that she didn't make it because of her race is going a bit far though.

She lost because Wagner's record at international competitions over the past few years has been more consistent. If the roles and races were reversed, would you still be covering this as a massive injustice?

The only reason I would ever set foot on this thing is because of the tiny, very remote possibility that The Doctor will also be on it.

Check your high-follower-count privileges, yo.

Couldn't they have come up with a better name for their plan?

researchers looked at birth records and Nielsen ratings and found that teen pregnancy declined faster in areas where the teens were watching MTV's programming than in areas where they weren't

*taking out my "Smug and Indignant Reproductive Troll" BINGO card*

Oh, Shia.

If you can eliminate the patriarchal practice of this and allow women to marry more than one man, etc., then yeah. But given that this has been traditionally about one dude owning a group of women like a herd of cattle, then no.

Polygamy poses a whole new set of problems in that its practice has historically been patriarchal: one man, two or more women. Polyamory, on the other hand, is generally more flexible and it's polygamy's friendly, flowerchild little sister. I wouldn't be surprised if a legalization of polygamy led to more polyamorous

Isn't this... every culture? I mean, sure it's easy to pick on the West as Westerners here, but every culture is guilty of this as far as I know.


I love how grumpy Marian looks in all of the shots...the resting bitch face is strong in this one. Would be friends!

I really want to be friends with these people.

You gotta see the next photo too!

From WND:
"Obama indoctrinates innocent children at WH"
From HuffPo:
"This photo of Obama and a baby will DESTROY you"
From FOX News:
"Is Prez teaching hip-hop to our kids?"

bet you didn't say a peep when W started with the drones and never mind the 100's of thousands that died in his two wars.

You're not thinking racist enough.

Politics aside, still don't get how you can hate this guy