
A film critic Anne Billson wrote a short story with a seemingly different tone called “My Day bye Jonesy”. A quick search seems to indicate that it has been wiped from the internet. If this Jonesy and that Jonesy refer to people as ‘can openers’ there might be a bit of copying going on... 

I think a weak story was a strong choice. The episode had so much to introduce, and a generic story we could all figure out with minimal explanation made room for that.

I think they get off on the sadism. The fact that they’re using their money and power to force people into what they don’t want gets them off.

Do any of us really watch for the villains though? Most are so-many-times-beaten by the Doctor, they have no impact anymore. I’m ready to see The Doctor on the back heel a bit, trying to figure out what’s going on, and not having all the answers. 

Equating what Lauer did with what CK did is insanity. Lauer is a predator and a rapist. CK asked people if it was ok if he masturbated in front of them, and then when they said yes, he did. The power dynamic made what CK did still totally awful, but Lauer entrapped women and raped them.

Great. Now I have to watch another fucking Star Wars movie.

I don’t understand this at all, but it makes me feel super-weird. Could the direction of time on a quantum level be more of a suggestion than a rule?

Smarf of course!

I did none of the things you scolded me for. I’m sorry you don’t think minorities don’t have the right to ask for things or have opinions.

In a world of 7 billion people, a few hundred sack-of-shit idiots can have a voice so loud, they drown out everyone else. There will always be crazy hyper-entitled thoughtless hateful people. Twitter just let them scream loud enough to be heard.

It matters. Most queer kids in America are taught that they are worthless. If they belong to a church, most Christians actively try to convince them to kill themselves. Representation in media gives kids a beacon of hope that somewhere they can be valued.

TV Picard also murdered a future version of himself in cold blood. People think he had it easy. He did not.

Real people can’t be good. Got it. Everyone here is conflating realism with pessimism, and it pisses me off. At no point was Picard anything other than human. He could be ruthless and hard. He suffered trauma, and had to take time to heal. What he never was was cynical or bitter. That’s not unrealistic it’s just good.

Don’t forget that every character has to have the emotional maturity of a 5 year-old.

She did win the popular vote by 3 million votes.

When has reality ever changed a conservative mind?

I just remember Tom Hanks in Philidelphia and how much that improved visibility and created empathy for HIV+ gay men, and I see the Trans community throwing that kind of outside help away. Minorities as small as the LGBTQ community don’t do well attacking allies.

This is the most wrong thing I have ever read. Go watch the emergency lights playing off Ripley’s face in the elevator going down to the nest. Go watch initial flyover of the colony. Go watch the scene where the marines first enter the atmosphere processor. Go Watch Bishop in front of the landing platform lit by the

Oh YEAH? Infinity War is meaningful and smart! Take that person!

They’re programmed to go down when shot. That’s all.