
I think they hired Carrie Coon to play Proxima Midnight, not for her acting, but because they wanted to hang out with her and giver a few hundred thousand dollars. It was just fanboy casting. I’d do it. She was amazing in Leftovers.

Just because lots of people are bad doesn’t make being bad OK.

The kind of man that marries a woman with the last name Saldanda or ‘Tyrannosauruslasersword’ who doesn’t want a last name that awesome?!

Yes. Your cat loves you. Sometimes it’s a little scared of you because you’re so big. And if you yell at your cat, it doesn’t understand why. Your cat misses you when you go away. Your cat just enjoys being near you.

My rescue, formerly stray cat, Joseph likes to lay on my chest while I watch TV. He’ll be purring, his eyes will be closed, he’ll be limp in my arms, and then his tail starts wagging with such force, he’s knocked things off the side table. I think it’s a sign he wants to go to sleep, and wants me to stop petting him,

I teared up when Thor confessed his pain to Rocket. It broke my heart to see Steve watch Bucky disappear. Spider-Man dying was way too much. I know they’ll probably be back, but the characters mean something to me, and the stakes are their relationships and happiness. Death isn’t stakes, it’s the end of the story. All

In my life, I’m surrounded by people that don’t like fun and good things, so I’m going to vomit my feelings here.

To the characters, those people are dead. To the world of the movie, those people are dead. If you choose to meta-watch the movie, that’s you’re deal. But using information from outside the story to claim the story wasn’t good isn’t fair to the story, and it sabotages your ability to enjoy it.

The ending of Infinity War is one of the most bold story-telling choices in a blockbuster movie ever. If you can’t enjoy this incredible gift because you read press releases, stop reading press releases. The fore-knowledge isn’t worth it.

I just don’t buy Loki giving himself up like that. He just watched Thanos beat the Hulk, and Loki tries to take him on single-handed surrounded by his goons? Loki was mind controlling another Asgardian disguised as Loki from a distance.

It should be unacceptable to everyone that any public school gives advantage over another.

Well, Steve is always respectful and polite. It doesn’t matter that you are a talking tree.

The guilt from failing, from allowing so much suffering to take place, will stay with the heroes long after everyone is returned from the ashes.

If you don’t care about anything besides life and death, you are really missing out on a lot of what makes stories worth telling.

I’m 40, and for me the stakes are the emotional lives of the characters. The whole stakes of Civil War was the friendship between Stark and Rogers. I’m fine with that.

I read that fight as Captain America toying with the guy because all he had to do at this point was cover the hostages’ escape. He could have killed Batroc easily, but there was no need to at that point as all of the hostiles that could kill hostages were neutralized.

I’m sure the shooter describes themselves as a responsible gun owner. I’m sure the woman that answers the door gets very angry when anyone implies Trump voters or any white person are racist.

Honestly, the fact that he was played by MBJ was the best part of the character. He managed to carry around the wounded little boy on the inside in every single scene while being a scarified scary bad-ass at the same time. 

Jesus had no idea what a Christian was

I don’t get it. She’s effectively conveying four distinct emotional states in like 2 second wordless gifs. That’s acting.