
When did the reviewer lose their soul? This is why progressives lose so often. We’re good people for the most part, but we can get caught in an easily avoidable trap of being holier-than-thou. I mean it’s really easy to avoid. Just ask yourself if what you’re so eager to criticize is doing harm? Did this episode of

I would rewrite a bad joke if I was the one that had to say it on television, and my income depended on me being funny.

Here’s an idea for an article: What Will Marvel Do Now that Critics Have Decided to Turn Against Them?

That’s great. She’s a younger actress, and she’s never been sexually harassed. That should be the goal. For someone that looks like her, working in her industry, to feel safe, supported, respected, and equal is the goal. Maybe she could have been more aware of history, but can’t we all.

Make your own thing. Doing the same thing second is never as good as being the first. Examples: leftovers from the fridge, hand-me-down clothes from your older sibling, and eating poop. When you copy a thing, you’re admitting your less than the original. These female remakes are self-diminishing to women. Make your

Pick any work of fantasy with a rigid internal logic, and Twin Peaks will stand up to it. It’s far more rigorous than Star Trek or Star Wars. The internal world-building in Twin Peaks is akin to Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. It’s just much weirder. You have to pay attention to it to understand it. Keep an open

What do Charisma Carpenter, Ray Fischer, and Gal Gadot have in common? They’re privileged ten out of ten beautiful people that are terrible at delivering nuance in dialog. That means they don’t know how to act. I’m sorry. I refuse to ignore my lying eyes. To me it looks like Joss was mean to people that were bad at

Do I see women fainting when they see a naked Thor? What century is this? Am I wrong? Does it seem weird to anyone else?

Did anyone else hate the movie because it was so loud? The bass vibrated my chest. It was so loud it hurt my ears. I’m not saying that to be dramatic. It really actually hurt my ears. Dune was a nightmare experience. The only reason I stayed to watch it was because the ticket was a gift from someone who knows I’ve

You’re whole opinion seems based on what would make you seem superior. You offer support for nothing. You’re just looking for the laziest possible way to feel like a boss.

They aren’t stupid. They just know the code words. Fraud=brown people being allowed to vote. Trump supporters do not believe in democracy, and they do not believe anyone but them should have freedom or agency.

This is a show with roughly 15 Executive Producers. I won’t go through the credits to recount. What do these people do besides add shitiness, and take money? This show is so fucking stupid. I can’t help but fantasize about what would happen if someone made an actual Star Trek show with this cast and production value.

If George W Bush had choked on a Milk Dud in 1999, millions of dead people would be alive right now, the world economy wouldn’t have crashed, and 9/11 wouldn’t have happened. (He was negligent, not complicit. It’s in the 9/11 report)

If all the shit out there that robbed Firefly creatively had to pay rights, Joss Whedon would be a billionaire.

You weren’t wrong. The show is idiotic. It’s also just hateful toward its audience. The filmmakers view us as slobbering idiots.

If Republicans realized that if you have to lie to make your point, you don’t have a point, there would be no more Republicans.

Feyd Rautha should be played by Lucas Hedges

The character of Misha shows there’s no asshole filter in astronaut selection. How the fuck does a social monster like him get anywhere in life? He’s a morale black hole. Experience is a fart in the wind when everyone that can benefit from it loathes you for good reason.

Explaining in excruciating detail, the subtext for throwaway lines is not a reason to write a script. This whole movie is built around lines in which the original writer didn’t bother to distinguish between distance and time. This movie is hollow at its core. Solo: A Star Wars Story was written as if the job of an

After a year, stuck in quarantine, I finally watched this. It was dumb. Getting a fake body-part, indicating you know where his stash of body-parts is, to stand in for a real body-part, so a killer will show you where his stash of body-parts is, is loopy. There is no level of reason or logic to the plan of the heroes