
Yeah, I do not get the sheer amount of dumping-on this movie is getting AT ALL. Love & Thunder? Sure, I could see it getting dumped on like this. Multiverse of Madness? ABSOLUTELY, that movie deserves to be dumped on. Easily the sloppiest script of any Marvel movie to date. Yes, even compared to Iron Man 2.

My dear girl, why don’t you just try acting?

omg what a badassssss

“Art is fire plus algebra.” That’s a quote credited to Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. Basically the idea is that in really great art—and, by extension, storytelling—there is an almost mathematical precision to decision-making. Yes, much of artistic expression is about feeling and emotion. But plugging that into a

All of the complaints can be boiled down to:
* People get mad when you insinuate a woman might be sad over not being able to get pregnant
* A woman who spends time around men will complain from time to time about how messy the men are.
* Quicksilver dies.

Ideas? Scott doesn’t have a single idea in his hollow little head. He makes stylized popcorn movies. Stale, soulless popcorn movies that ceased to be remotely entertaining decades ago. As for this android shit, for the love of god let it go. You have less to offer on the topic than a really bad Data episode of “Star

I dunno, I kinda liked the scene in the original where she and Hawkeye fight to see who gets to sacrifice themselves. Neither wanted the other to go but more than that neither wanted to not save the other from having to die. This is a fine action scene and I do like the idea that Thanos is more actively pursuing them,

Remember when this site had complete radio silence on James Gunn because of a targeted campaign by right-wing trolls to discredit him and Meatwadf was our hero?

Now playing

This scene gave me chills when I saw it for the first time.  Jimmy Scott’s “Sycamore Trees” was the perfect music for Cooper’s Orpheus-esque decent into Hell.

“Fix your hearts or die.”

Dougie and The Mitchum Brothers out in the Las Vegas desert with a cherry pie. David Lynch did the impossible and made me adore a character played by Jim Belushi.

This show has bottomed out. That was....absolutely fucking atrocious. Embarrassing to watch, often painful to sit through. The only character who doesn’t come out looking like a complete idiot, or just making me cringe, was Rios, despite his absurd, pimp-tastic outfit.

When you make British aristocrats the good guys, you’ve really gone too far.

Herzog is a wondrous, terrible, and beautiful creature.

i, too, was mesmerized by the cartoon bulge

Is it just me, or does Mujoe seem have an insanely large sack?

ah, there’s the victim blaming.

There is no such thing as “woke culture”, it’s just people learning not to be assholes to each other.