
What we're witnessing is the end of an error. No that wasn't a typo.


So, can we call it? Paula Deen is in a full on, careening, meltdown?

Maybe she would have shown up if Al Roker was wearing a black bowtie with that white suit.

For anybody here who is still clinging to the idea of god, I ask you: why in the world is this breathing bag of garbage walking and talking and James Gandolfini is gone? Why? WHY?!!!

Can we make it a rule that anyone who uses the phrase "personal responsibility" in a conversation about rape loses the right to talk about rape?

Weddings are to make money for your future

As some in Congress tried to point out, leaving the decision about bringing criminal charges in the hands of the military itself is ridiculous. Why aren't they subject to the same kind of criminal law, when stationed in the US, as everyone else? A friend of mine, who happens to be a Catholic priest, pointed out that

Seriously, all you needed was a priest, a MRA, and a Penn State coach and you would have the bingo card of rape culture.

She will then perform the miraculous feat of seeming to apologize without actually taking any responsibility for what she has said.

So, let me get this straight. This is a story about sexual assault committed by assholes who are both students at a military academy and football players?

Quick, someone get Serena Williams to comment on this. I need to know just how much of a tragedy it is for these poor rapists and whether or not Serena thinks the victim may have been a virgin.

Well, we wouldn't want to Ruin Anybody's Lives, tm.

"Accused?" Are we so afraid to label people as rapists that we won't do it even after they've been convicted?

It's a good thing that the power dynamic of womansplaining and mansplaining are the exact same, so you can make this a true equivalency.


Which one of these constitutes a "War on Men"?

Next time I get a solicitation to subscribe to the WSJ, I am printing this out and sending it in the reply envelope. Un-freaking-believable.

how i hear his argument, "well I'M just a giant, unstoppable raping machine; therefore, all other men must be as well."