
Interesting addition to the adoption debate. I get ragey when I see wealthy people adopting children from other countries — Russia (used to be), China, Democratic Republic of Congo, etc. I firmly believe that prospective parent(s) in their own countries should have the first right of refusal before looking outside

To think that 160 years ago black boys used to be very expensive, for the exact same reason: racists set the value. The more things change...

I agree that this is insane, but a couple of weeks ago I got into a long argument with people on this very site who felt it was okay to fuck your dog.

I can't seem to see the tweets this article seems to want to be presenting...

Animals and children can't consent you goddamn fucking moron. their defense, the concept of consensual sex is probably beyond their abilities to grasp.

I've always been confused when it comes to treating men or women like objects. Considering how completely materialistic our society is, isn't it a compliment?

My yoga teacher was a real jerk to me the other day and blamed it on the full moon. I wanted to discuss, but she deferred until after the full moon because she "couldn't risk being misunderstood." So now I have a new yoga teacher!

Kinja ate an entire post that I was almost done with and so F U KATIE FOR PUTTING THIS INTO THE UNIVERSE.

Astrology. Good. Gooooood.

I really hope this doesn't turn into a 'why is she wearing those shorts to begin with' thing when it should be a 'why in the hell are paparazzi taking photos of a 12 year olds ass' thing.

I'm glad the post was removed - you should have read some of the comments! They were stomach-churning. People calling a twelve-year-old child a slut, skank, whore, etc. Disgusting people.

Why is it people always get so upset about Affirmative Action but not about legacies? For some reason we're ok with the historically advantaged having a leg-up over the rest of us, but not the historically disenfranchised.

EVERY TIME AN ARTICLE LIKE THIS IS POSTED, I FEEL THE NEED TO COMMENT. US ASIANS DO NOT WANT TO LOOK LIKE YOU WHITE FOLKS. We may like the way you look, but we DO NOT WANT TO LOOK LIKE YOU. Stop thinking we do. There are plenty of Asians with paler skin than a White person NATURALLY. There are plenty of Asians born

You can respect someone and also find them sexually appealing.

Free range boobs: The sweet release of the breasts when you take your bra off at the end of the day. Usually while still driving home.

Man... sometimes I think back to the time when Angelina was just a kooky actress wearing a vial of Billy Bob Thornton's blood around her neck and I feel SO happy about who she's turned into. YOU GO ANGELINA. YOU GO GLEN COCO.

Protip: just don't fucking ever compare things to lynching or rape.

So what you are saying is, feed the attention suckers in your life something diarrhea inducing.