
You're in an extreme minority and are suggesting to everyone a difficult, frustrating diet that is not appropriate for an athletic person.

How about using utilizing more calories than you take in, i.e. exercising. Maybe build a little muscle which also burns more calories. I know.. that's crazy talk right. Any time I hear someone talk about any type of diet I think, doomed to fail 95% of the time.

That's not the best way to lose weight. That's an EFFECTIVE way to quickly lose weight - there's a difference. You can lose tons of weight by eating nothing but Doritos because you're depriving your body of everything that's not in a dorito. You're talking about depriving your body of carbs. Yes, that'll work, but

yea no. you are essentially suggesting a low carb diet here. I've done low carb, and it was extremely difficult and did not pay off for me. I count calories, and it works like magic. For me it's all about portion control and still eating what I love.

Whoa whoa whoa. I am a mortician, and if I sent a decedent out for a family viewing looking like this I would be ashamed and expect to be fired.

It seems like you've gotten a lot of similar responses to this and I agree that your ex is wrong. Non-romantic affection between friends and family is an incredibly important part of healthy relationships. I was abused as a kid, and while yes, I can get uncomfortable sometimes, I've found that physical affection with

I like that he appears to be wearing sunglasses under the butter costume, just in case his face was otherwise recognizable.

We all know it isn't a 'trend' until white people do it - see: Nail Art.

"Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen! It's not going to happen!"

Because the gay kid in the school band isn't taking away the rights of others like him due to his self loathing. If you are going to allow yourself a certain type of lifestyle, but deny it to others, voters need to know about that.

I like it, I'll take it. Especially the 25K donation to RAINN.

My personal favourite is just to do a play-by-play commentary of the techniques a would-be PUA is using.
"Your face could be cute, but that book is hiding too much of it".
"COOL NEG! HIGH FIVE! Got another?"
"Oh, there's a thread on your sleeve, let me get that."

I just snorfled a chip because of this comment.

Comment of the day.... NO, MONTH.

Yo, guy who clearly never has to worry about this: if you are a young woman and you go out in a city, you will have to deal with this bullshit. You're correct in your assessment of the men reading the PUA stuff, but it's not like they're ALWAYS hiding on the internet. Sometimes (often) they're in your face at a bar,

I would never have guessed that i'd be assumed to be lying, until it happened. Since then, I've talked with other victims, and unfortunately my experience is the rule, not the exception. I'm not sure where this stems from, perhaps people find it easier to imagine a woman lying than a man raping. Or perhaps they

"You really don't believe that having it known that you were on trial for rape wouldn't follow you?"
How would it? Unless it's a really high-profile case - which most aren't, and in which case the "not guilty" verdict would be just as high-profile - I don't see how anyone would even know about it. At the worst, it

There's defending one's client and there's harassment, dishonesty, sadism, and ethical lapses. Many rape defense attorneys seem to take sadistic glee in attacking victims.

Jesus — "they were all kids and all their lives were ruined" is an absolutely appalling remark to make, given that it lumps together the trauma of the victim and the trauma of the perpetrator as if it were just a 'sad situation' that no-one was responsible for, and that led everyone to suffer equally. Do you really