
THANK YOU!!! I didn't want to be the first to say it, but I definitely feel for you! We're not 'narwhals' as children of shitbag moms we're just more stigmatized and therefore quieter about it. A lot fewer people say "but he's your father!" In the outraged tone they usually use for chastising you when you say you and

With this kind of crazy, I don't think this was political at all. I think she was trying to get a better result out of her divorce or trying to get back at her ex husband for something he did (or she thinks he did) to her. This just doesn't read paranoid, screw-the-government-schizo. It's gotta be something like

This!!! I still struggle with the rage I feel about the things my mother did or let other people do to me and the only thing that really helps me calm down is thinking that she's too ill to say she's sorry, she's too ill to not blame me for my own abuse, she's too ill to say she loves me without adding "despite the

Just a rural thing, hon. They're everywhere.

It's a sleeping baby deer. Sugar Bear got it for Mama June on their anniversary one episode. She hates it.

Please tell me these pink velour Juicy burquas will come in adult sizes too. It's an outfit and a snuggie all in one! Wear a bra four days in a row and no one can tell the left one is starting to sag more! Feel safe on hikes, just frighten away cougars and other predators by outstretching your arms!

Yes. Thank you. I won't go into a lot of detail but discovering I got my first period at 11 was the scariest day of my life. I had a terrible, unsupportive family which was basically a child molester stepdad and my mother, the town drunk/skank, who preferred to beleive I was an 11 year old succubus than that her

Oh god, oh fuck. This means Mother's Day season has started. Well, I guess you were right about the crying because I just spent all last week talking to the cops about my mother and my pedophile ex-stepfather and now all I can think is "man, I wish my biggest problem with my mom was an embarrassing sack of

Not everyone can handle birth control hormones, even something localized like the ring or Mirena. I finally gave up the ghost on that stuff about three years ago and though now my periods hurt a hell of a lot more, I haven't fainted in a really long time and I lost about 30 pounds. Use condoms instead. They're a

Stand your ground! Putting the password on the site for everyone to see is the easiest way to get your website hacked and replaced with porn.