
Dude, if "entertainment" were completely separate from "important feminist issues," then we'd all have fantastic body image, women wouldn't be sexualized objects for the male gaze, and little girls wouldn't learn to hate their bodies and their physical features by age 10.

For me the simplest way to answer this question is to reframe it and look at the opposite. So is an intensely unattractive or disfigured person responsible for the fact that their looks may make another person more uncomfortable around them? Because of their looks, is it their responsibility to moderate other

I don't get that. How is not taxing a church's income the way you would anyone else's a violation of the principal but the church availing themselves of state services paid for by tax dollars not?

If we're going to deny tax exempt status to the Boy Scouts of America for being discriminatory towards homosexuals, can we also stop granting tax exempt status to churches?

If you think hair is a breeding ground for bacteria you should look into the micro abrasions caused by hair removal. Just for the sake of the big picture.

I know that Bey is a diva, but making H&M use her actual body doesn't seem like an example of it.

Will it still be called Two and a Half Men, thus suggesting that a lady is half a man?

Judging on my limited knowledge of pastry baking and the image above, I can say with certainly that the recipe is something like:

1- make croissant dough.
2- instead of slicing it into triangles and rolling it into crescents, cut out circles as you would a shortbread cookie. Larger, though.
3- poke hole?
4- fry
5- frost

This isn't a free speech issue. The first amendment only makes it so that you can say what you want and as long as you're not harassing anyone, making threats, inciting panic (yelling fire in a crowded theater), or abdocating violence, you can't be arrested or sued for it. It does not mean that the owner of a

I present to you the text of the First Amendment:

You don't seem to understand her point at all. She's not trying to take away your enjoyment at all. She simply wants to point out that tropes run through games like they do through every other medium and that that reflects our culture. You are so insecure with your own construction of gender that you are immediately

But why? Why is it that when a woman is killed that it has more significant meaning than when a man is killed?

I don't get it. How is this a wedding? Where is the chalkboard signage? Where are the headless shots of the bride and groom holding hands in front of a weathered barn door? Where are the hay bales for sitting? Where are the mason jars full of homemade cider? Where are the jumping bridesmaids? Why isn't anyone wearing

Yea...a lot of victims of violence don't go on to do stuff like this. So I'm going to go with psychopath all along. Also, he has such an innocent looking face. They're right when they say it's always the people you least expect.

Are there any groups out there trying to close the loophole that allows 50 year old guys to have sex with 17 year olds as long as they're married? That's some serious 3rd world country crap. Everyone seems to think the Courtney Stodden/Doug Hutchison thing is funny, but I feel like more people should be upset about

Courtney Stodden made a sex tape?!

Anna, you are the most wonderful writers out there, but I have slight correction! Courtney Stodden made that tape after her 34th birthday.#corrections. #stoddentruthers #showusthebirthcertificate