

"If Your Boyfriend Tells You Your Vagina is Repulsive (He is Probably in Want of a Boyfriend of His Own)."

The trick is to not post shameful things while drunk. The trick is to have no shame even when you're sober. Embarrassment doesn't exist if you don't give a shit.

I was at a wedding at which the best man closed his brief speech quoting lines from "Ren and Stimpy." Six stoners went into laugh convulsions and about 200 other people looked like they were watching the opening number in "Springtime for Hitler."

Ugly people can't wear their clothes, but they can make them. As long as no one knows about it. You know, like secret friends.

Yeah, the original article is crap. More, "I'm a woman and I think this way, therefore ALL women think this way!" bullshit.

My husband asked me to move in with him a week after we got together. We'd known each other well, of course, despite not knowing each other long. When you're both working in the same office with desks immediately next to each other, you get to know someone pretty quickly. Somehow we managed to live in a studio

"Police relied on women’s sexual histories in evaluating reports of sexual assault." Dear God that is disgusting. . .and people still wonder why more women don't come forward to report their rapes.

I know it's an industry term. I'm saying the industry and its terminology are shit.

Are you telling him he knew of her issue beforehand? You're telling him how his life happened? Go argue with your siblings or something.

No, I'm not going to "relax." It's not acceptable to trivialize "stalking" when one means "checking up on." Just like it's not acceptable to trivialize rape when one means "oh I had to pay more for tires than I thought" or whatever latest thing people decide they were "raped" over.

Just.... Yes. Thank you.

No, I don't know what my ex's girlfriend looks like - or if he has one. I don't know what my ex-husband's wife looks like, and I only know he has one because someone told me. I only know what my fiancé's ex-partner looks like because she's been in pictures he has shown me.

The title on my business card reads, "Manager/HBIC". I know it's abrasive to some, but this is my business, the buck stops right the fuck here, and I brook no bullshit. Amy and Tina said it, "Bitches get stuff done."

Will Smith sure does love to describe himself as "The Biggest Movie Star in the World." I also don't understand his quote. HIS father was a refrigeration engineer. How is that the same?

Unfortunately, there are no reliable tests for ovarian cancer. The only real "test" is a blood marker with such a high false positive rate that doctors rarely use it for women under a certain age. While this gene may make you predisposed towards it, the fact is that most of the symptoms are so non-specific that it

So sorry that all your delusions have made you think Daniel Craig is married to you, when we all know you had a nervous breakdown after learning that Craigers and I eloped immediately after I saw him in Layer Cake. That idyllic life of role-playing with a shirtless Danny that you speak of? It's about as real as that Dr

Wow. Stunned.

Love this. Too many women fear losing their "womanhood" and worth and value as a person if they lose their breasts, I'd rather lose my breasts than lose my life.