
To add to this, the extreme pedophilia vibe! What the hell.

Nothing starts off your morning better than clickbait.

The internalized patriarchy in Paltrow being more comfortable having people think her vagina looks like "an eight year old girl" rather than have them think she might have pubic hair is really, really fucked up.

I refuse to thank my mother ever damn year for giving birth to me when she's made it perfectly clear that I'm a mongrel and having kids ruined her life. She can buy her own box of wine, which I'm pretty sure she has. Either that or one of those big jugs of wine.

My mother is a judgmental racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic (yes) religious fundamentalist. She's the only mom I have, but I do wish that the dice roll had been better.

"I know you think you're being transgressive and edgy and bad-in-the-cool-way when you are careless with the trauma of strangers, but you're not. You are being conservative. You are a conservative comedian."


Bracli is not a sexy company name; it sounds too much like broccoli.

They do. It is written on your middle finger. Send it her way.

Some of the problem surely must come from how the industry promotes false equivalencies? For instance: I've been told when I can't find a 32C I should just buy a 34B. But a 34B is too big in the band and too small in the cup size. They are not the same. I was recently measured at a more high end place and it turns out

No one else find it weird that "Grace" isn't powerful, but naming a girl after a boy is?

My mother was and still an abusive bitch who has been through two husbands and still has no idea why she's "alone." She's a liar and a thief and a selfish, vindictive, controlling, spiteful, angry woman. I'm the only child and quite messed up myself. Do they make cards for her? I hate Mother's Day. If you have a good

As someone whose mom went to prison and it didn't change her one fucking bit, I say that he obviously sounds like he has or is atoning for his past. Wasn't this a discussion on Jezebel about Chris Brown and sexism regarding his domestic abuse? Someone pointed out that men hit each other all the time and apologize and

By all accounts at 32 I'm year too old to be a Millenial, and am the tail-end of Generation-X. Still I can't help but feel slighted too. If the generation who won World War II are the Greatest Generation, their children are the Worst Generation. They're the first generation who seem to be actively trying to make

Ha! I always go for humorous Mom's Day cards because the sentimental ones would just seem disingenuous. This year I got her one that said, "My therapist said it's not your fault... How's that for a happy Mother's Day?" ...Even though that is technically a lie.

Does anybody else have a serious problem with the way that as soon as the woman starts to talk (as opposed to being sung at/about by men) the song stops and they all make weird faces as if they are dumbfounded or bored by her ability to speak? isnt this commercial aimed at women? shouldn't they be allowed to speak in

I'm the first in my family go have gone to college. I don't care if I have to end up working a crappy job (which thankfully shouldn't have to happen)... the amount of the world that was opened up to me by attending college, the different viewpoints I was exposed to, the experiences I had, all of that will have made it

Hey guys, friendly reminder: Please don't feed the trolls. New kinja works great at greying them out but your responses are upthreading them. If you must reply just start a new discussion don't add to the thread the troll is trying to start this way when they try to respond to you you can just delete their comment.