Yeah I figured that they couldn't use his likeness anymore. The remake is good for those who were nostalgic for the original Goldeneye but with updated graphics, mechanics, etc...I enjoyed it.
Yeah I figured that they couldn't use his likeness anymore. The remake is good for those who were nostalgic for the original Goldeneye but with updated graphics, mechanics, etc...I enjoyed it.
N64 didn't have online multiplayer. The remake on last gen's consoles did.
The only thing I got out of that video, was that I didn't know that you could shoot through the screen in that roadside TV billboard.
I have a problem with the term "consume" b/c it naturally gives me the impression that he was eating marijuana.
Well, He is the Drunken Master.
That's not a logical solution. You can't help where you were born or where you live. Besides, why is China a fuck hole? B/c it cracks drown on drug addicts? So does Europe and the United States and every other nation. Maybe Planet Earth is a fuck hole too, huh?
How about Stranglehold? That game is awesome.
That's strange. There's already a ton of Samurai Showdown and King of Fighters games for mobile phones, mostly for the Android OS, but I have no idea if they're official or pirateware (like nearly half of everything in the Google Play store).
Ashtar Command's song, "Deadman's Gun" from Red Dead Redemption should have been nominated for a Grammy.
They should have played Proxies only.
You kiddin' me? Not at all. Goldeneye is still very playable and still very entertaining today despite all the fancy Borderlands, Halos, CoDs, & Battlefields. I'd rather play Goldeneye than Call of Duty any day. Sure, there's no online multi-player but I'd rather play with 3 buddies then a bunch of trash talking 12yr…
That game was the only reason I bought an N64 back in the day. 4player split-screen Goldeneye parties were always the best. It sucks that they replaced Brosnan with Daniel Craig for the Goldeneye remake on Wii, 360 & PS3 a few years ago.
Yeah pretty much. But hey, you can still use it to clean the grime off your car's engine and brakes though. Yes, I'm serious btw.
The AT-AT always seemed, to me like the dumbest most pointless machine in the Star Wars galaxy. In a galaxy thats populated with high propulsion jet engines and war speed drives, why would they create and use this massive super slow super tall machine (probably ridiculously expensive too....have you noticed how much…
On average there are about 39 grams of sugar in an 80z cup (or can) of Coca Cola, 8oz = 236ml. 650ml is nearly 22oz which is about 107.25 grams of sugar in that one jumbo two straw cup. According to the heart association, the average man should limit sugar intake to 37.5 grams (9 teaspoons) and the average woman…
How about that rubbery looking slab o' cheese? Can we look at that instead?
Does he chew off their heads and spit their squirty neck blood, Ozzy style?
in the production of unnatural blue food stuffs no less...
Or if you've ever fantasized about eating a Bulbasaur...
I don't know why, but I feel like this looks like some sort of mutated food/creature thing that might jump off the table and attack me if I tried to eat it...kinda like this: