Well in all fairness, Saddam also had an intergalactic space force of robot unicorns that shoot missiles from their butts but they were never discovered, so you know....
Well in all fairness, Saddam also had an intergalactic space force of robot unicorns that shoot missiles from their butts but they were never discovered, so you know....
Awww....sure it's a cat!!
Damn, Pornhub, even your charts have some junk in the trunk.
Luke, can this image PLEASE BE THE NEXT 'SHOP??
Yep. I think Kotaku reported awhile back on a kid getting a 3DS for Xmas, finding porn on it and being horrified. If I was that kid, I would have given Santa an extra cookie that year.
That seems like a lot of work and effort for Porn on the 3DS. You sure are dedicated.
Yes, someone notify Bobsplosion ASAP. It hasn't been the same since he's been shot down.
Does that game come with the hairy palms DLC?
You do realize that everything you post on the internet is spermanent right?
Hmm...you don't say.
We're brothers! He's my dad too!
That's true. I'm sure that Nintendo could exploit their massive roster of pokemon in the from of themed DLC packs.
"....and Tekken comes below Virtual Fighter, Street Fighter, King of Fighters and Arc Systems games from a fighting game perspective."
1) wouldn't this be Pokemon Stadium without the Stadium?
Charizard vs Mokujin. Well, we know how that would play out. Fatality = turning into charred ash.
This looks insane. The more I hear about this game the more I want it. It was good enough when they included Pacman, Sonic, Megaman and Mario all in the same game. That blew my mind but now look at that roster! There's so much fun to be had. I can't wait to play it. Hopefully some other memorable characters from the…
Yeah and if you pay enough, Mila Jovovich will show up and wall kick your opponents in the face.
That's disturbing.
Oh man, I wish I had a portable back pack turret gun.
You sir are wrong. In the future we live in a virtual reality existence. This is obviously digital rain.