Track: Industrial Revolution | Artist: Immortal Technique | Album: Revolutionary Vol. 2
Track: Industrial Revolution | Artist: Immortal Technique | Album: Revolutionary Vol. 2
Nintendo has always had a special knack for making gorgeous themed cases for the 3DS. For the new model announced…
And this is exactly why he had to be dealt with...I know I sleep easier with less robot unicorns in the world, and so should you!
Uh, clearly he's alive and my dad in GTA Online.
As an American, I'm offended that anyone implies we don't own the market on paranoia and stupidity on the internet.
Japan: They've got internet douchebags just like us! Up next: Shigesato Itoi coeeupts Japanese game journalism by rubbing Famitsu's EiC's shoulder one time. COLLUSION! SOCIAL JUSTICE SAMURAI!
Spotted that too, haha.
Yeah this isn't even "hacking" its just stupid and over the top threatening. Way back when I used to idle IRC a lot in channels with people who were hackers, and I remember how smart they were and none of them did stupid shit like this. I guess times have changed and being a hacker means you can run DDoS and make fake…
The sad thing is that half the time these people excuse themselves by saying that they are "attacking big companies that are corrupt and this shows them" and don't realize the people being affected the most are regular folk rather than the company.
Yup there are some prison bunks waiting for these assholes. They went too far.
If only those agencies would get ff there ass and do something about it when groups like this make false bomb threats.
God damn, i'm sad again
Brazzers, sign this man up as a script writer
It doesn't rely on a steady stream of electricity to exist.
i'm with you man. i've actually tried repeatedly to understand it. read documentation on it and quick guides, and bitcoin explained articles and whatever ... and i literally have no idea what it is or how it works and why it has any value.
i guess this is one concept that's just too advanced for my weak brain.
Gonna have to agree with Jay. I own an N64, and Goldeneye hardly gets played anymore because it's so difficult to go back to those controls. I did try playing with the two-controller mode, and if there was a way to manually change the pitch/turn controls, it would be perfect!
I agree. I went back to it recently and I was surprised there were no bots for multiplayer. I wondered how the hell I spent so much time on it with my brother. Then I realized we had so much imagination between ourselves, that we made up all these stories and scenarios with only two freakin people on a map. So imagine…
Easy solution: just don't take illegal drugs.
Paul Mooney: First, they have "The Mexican" with Brad Pitt, now they have "The Last Samurai" with Tom Cruise. Well, I've written a film, maybe they'll produce my film. The Last (black man) on Earth, starring Tom Hanks.
so this is the prequel. The First Samurai.