They forgot to include Jak, Daxter, Sam, Max, Ryu, Ratchet and Clank, Donkey Kong, the 7up Spot, Ronald McDonald, RX-78, Mega Man (err..umm...Rock Man), Team Fortress Heavy, a couple of Raving Rabbids, maybe some Despicable Minions, Crash Bandicoot (he's not doing much these days), Pikachu, M. Bison, Sub Zero, The…
If having lived in a 3rd world country which is heavily reliant on Chinese products that saturate 90% of the local market (due to their cheaper price points and comparable features to much pricier rivals) has taught me anything its that copyright and trademark enforcement in China is damn near nonexistent.
This looks awesome. I will buy anything that Keiji Inafune makes. 'Can't wait for Mighty No. 9 as well.
C'mon we already knew that guitars were dangerous. Just in a different sorta way:
This atleast has more validity than Lindsay Lohan suing Rockstar for supposedly using her photo on the loading screen of GTAV.
Yes, most people don't use cockpit view in Mario Kart. It always felt kind of weird and gimmicky.
Can somebody please do a video of Kratos singing Ice Ice Baby?
Kratos is a frightening character. He's the guy that if you accidentally blinked in his direction, he might tear your head off and punt it into an exploding volcano and then use your lifeless torso as a sock puppet to amuse a pack of rabid hungry wolves before grinding your bones into powder and snorting it.
Point proven.
$18k? No, sir. It's a little too small for that price.
I get that its about kids that play video games in the 90s and so obviously it would feature some of the games they play, but Square Enix thoroughly effed up. They can't illustrate characters that they don't own without permission. Especially if they're going to sell the manga for profit, which they are and do.
Playing Marathon with Tom Cruise is on my bucket list right under playing Mirror's Edge on the Oculus Rift with a drunk Courtney Love.
Yeah man, I'm with you. I don't want to install a program to install a game. Even if it's free. Why can't I just get a link and install the game directly?
Remember when Slashers were popular? Why can't we have a HD 3D Slasher survival game? That would be awesome. You and a bunch of your online buddies are hanging out on a lake at night when out of nowhere comes a big burly guy in a paper bag mask wielding a giant chainsaw. Shit just got real. I want to play that game.
These cars look ugly, awkward and misplaced in Mario Kart's cartoon-style world. It just doesn't work. They couldn't even give the cars bright colors that at least attempt to fit into that world? Why are they all an ugly gray color?
You realize that Nintendo is a corporation that consistently sells out, no? You didn't think those Mario bed sheets, shower curtains, desktop lamps, t-shirts, underwear, happy meal toys, etc... were examples of selling out? How about that crappy Super Mario bros. Movie with its product placements and tie-ins? Did you…
Sweet. All of those Gamecube RE/Biohazard games were epic. I'm glad this one is getting ported over. Plus an alternative option to tank controls makes it even better. I hope this is successful and it starts a trend over at Capcom to get remakes of RE 0, 2, 3/Nemesis also.
Wow it's like SNES + Gunstar Heroes + Spelunky on Crack. Me likey.
No sir, I don't like it. Not unless Ganon is a Blue Pig creature again...