Sniper Gillespie

Yes, the prices are insanely stupid. There should be some way to bluetooth a dualshock to iOS.

I'm Bioshocked it hasn't been done already.

Aww yeah, Big Daddy likes those selfies you took, little sister. Tell Big Sister to come over too. The Splicers are into those kinky wrist harpoons if you know what I'm saying. Man, I got an Electro Bolt Plasmid in my pants and. It. Is. Ready. To. Par. Tee.

But you can get one of those clip-on controllers for it now. Well, if the developers made it compatible with one.

But Android already has it. There's that Barfo Shock game that looks like it was developed in MS Paint and the Bioshock wallpaper "game" that you only find out is bunch of wallpapers after you've already downloaded and installed it....and the Bioshock cheat codes app that doesn't really have any cheat codes because

F2P Side-scrolling endless runner set in Rapture. How long can you outrun the Big Daddy? Collect Plasmids for enhanced game play? Ran out? Well how about buying 500 little sisters or 50 plasmids? Bust out that credit card!

Next up....Space Colonies. Then the UN will be replaced by the Earth Federation and will try to annex said space colonies and then the space colonies will be all like "aww hellz naw" and will create a resistance and will secretly send teenagers to earth to pilot giant mobile suits to fight the federation and one of

Yes! Finally some new info on Call of Ghost Recon's Duty Advanced Warefare Fighter

Lamest game ever on lamest tablet ever. Seems OK to me.

Now playing

Can we also get a Britney Spears theme song for this game? OH SHUT UP. YOU'RE ALL THINKING IT ANYWAY.

lol. I just knew this was going to happen....and so the prophecy has been fullfilled.

How about hanging on to the PS3, buying most of these games for under $20 and playing them forever?

Yes, I'm an idiot because I have a personal opinion. That makes complete sense.

I'm kind of over the Deadpool thing. Honestly, I think he's slightly overrated. This could be an entertaining movie but I'm not going to go apeshit over it or anything.

Them is fightin' words. What say you, greaterdivinity?

These kids are kinda most high school kids are when it comes to their wild and zany ideas. Of course, hindsight and a few more years on the belt exposes this in time. Who wants to remembered for the rest of eternity as the dork who dressed up as a horse for his class photo?

The most popular things on Earth? Really? Aren't we being a just a little dramatic? Rovio is getting out of hand. This needs to stop. Star Wars and Angry Birds? Ok. That was cool. I give them a pass for that. It worked well and I could live with the Angry Birds bed sheets, iphone speakers, mouse pads, curtains,

I'll buy it for $200 if its really made out of iron.

What would Bad Piggy Soundwave launch out of his chest cassette recorder thingy?

These are less "toys" and more overpriced folding plastic statues. There's no reason for these things to exist. What idiot at Hasbro thought it was a good idea to mash Angry Birds and Transformers? Don't they do focus studies before they launch this crap? Are kids really clamoring for this shit?