That's awesome. It looks a lot fancier than the Reptile Cafe in Egypt. That place is a hole in the ground.
I miss the commercials when Sony would send an obnoxious douchebag dressed up as Crash Bandicoot to stand outside of Nintendo HQ with a megaphone to berate Mario and Luigi. Those were there best.
WWE also exploited the Iraq war...both of em, 9-11, the war on terror, islamophobia...etc. Stay classy, Vince. Stay classy.
Those guys aren't the same character. White Nick Fury is Black Nick Fury's dad.
Not quite.
The Capt. America change also makes sense because the role of "Captain America" is interchangeable. The super soldier program wasn't exclusive to Steve Rogers. Cap's name is more about the suit and the position and not as much about the guy behind the mask. Same with Iron Man. Whereas, with characters like the Hulk,…
Perhaps I should have said, "I think we can all move on now." That is sentiment I wished to convey. I admit that was my fault. I still think Chino Moreno is better than Jonathan Davis. Light years better than Jonathan Davis, in fact. Give a listen to his work on Deftones, Team Sleep, Crosses, or Palms. The guy is a…
I still skate and listen to Tears for Fears.
Was that the year he came out of the giant toilet on stage and cursed out Trent Reznor for not liking his music?
This comment needs a remix from Method Man and Redman featuring DMX.
Thanks but I'll pass. The last good album that Jonathan Davis put out was Life is Peachy and that was in 1997. I think we can all grow up now.
I don't agree with his politics, but he might have a serious claim here as I'm sure Fidel Castro (depicted in Black Ops 1) might also have a similar claim if he chose to bring it up. Its one thing to use the likeness of historical leaders whom are no longer alive. For instance, look at how Assassin's Creed depicted…
Damn, when we were kids on summer vacation, all my brothers and I did were play NES games, have water balloon fights, or ride around the neighborhood on our bikes Goonies-style causing a ruckus for all our senior citizen neighbors.
Yeah. ICP is just....I don't even know where to start. I used to be really into Korn and Limp Bizkit back in the day too. I can't stomach either of them anymore. I still listen to Deftones though but they outclass Korn and Limp Bizkit in every way. Chino Moreno really is talented where as Jonathan Davis is just an…
Not that I'm aware of. Thor is a God. He doesn't just weild the power of Thor, he is Thor. He always will be Thor. No one could just take the name of Thor or the hammer of Thor and become Thor. It doesn't work that way.
Nick Fury is still white. Nick Fury Jr. (son of white Nick Fury) is black. Basically white man has black son, names black son after him, black son grows up and takes the job of white dad.
Yeah, I'll admit that back in the day I wore chinos, shelltops, and a baggy Limp Bizkit T-shirt and drove around suburbia in my crappy Chevy Cavalier blasting "Nookie." Sigh....if only I had Doc Brown's Delorean.
Are you momentarily nostalgic for noise passed off as music?