Sniper Gillespie

I bet he yells through his mic, "You can take THAT cookie and shove it up your yeah!" every time kills another player.

Wouldn't that be an Emo Moon Knight?

If they're trying to make Marvel heroes more diverse and progressive, changing Thor to a female is the wrong way to start. He's based on a mythological Viking God who was always depicted as a white male. Changing him to a female is just dumb. They should have chosen another hero to change like changing the genders of

What about Black Panther? War Machine? Luke Cage? Night Thrasher? Blade? Cloak (Cloak and Dagger)? I'm pretty sure Deathlok was a black man too. Some of these guys pre-date Falcon.

Sega doesn't listen to fans. Otherwise they would have given us an HD Jet Set Radio eons ago.

Life is not complete unless I can also play it on Intellivision and Vectrex.

Crap I forgot about Omega Supreme and Fortress Maximus. I was just watching the Transformers movie (the animated one) 2 days ago and now this post popped up. Total nostalgia.

I appreciate that his Transformers are all loose and not still in their original packaging. There's not reason why they can't be collected and played with. BTW, what are those gigantic Transformers on the bottom shelf? The Blue/white one is Metroplex, right? But who are the other two??

I don't think that abusing the rights of employees, as employees as well as human beings, has anything to do with emerging as a world economic powerhouse.

Double Dash is the fucking best Mario Kart ever. Plain and simple. I still play this game ALL THE TIME. Put 4 super competitive guys in Baby Park and watch the game turn into real life violence. Guaranteed. I might youtube that shit one day.

But hold on. If you're playing multi-player Crysis and you're looking at another player who is crouching in front of you. Is THAT what you see?

This reminds me of a lot of the 80s/early 90s horror movies like Critters, The Howling, etc...It just has that vibe.

I like how despite all the futuristic gear and tech, Mario still needs to hang onto a primitive monkey wrench for all his plumbing needs.

Call me crazy but I don't think the decision to not include women matter how ridiculous the reason is....will lead to Ubisoft laying off 3 hundred workers nor will it result in Ubisoft "not selling enough copies" of their game.

I'm cute but you're oh so clearly adorable. You've understood nothing of what I wrote at all. Apparently comprehension is an acquired skill.

I do not mind going into the boss's office for a meeting to discuss my work. However I will not be subjected to humiliation or to sacrifice my dignity for my job. In the end it is a job. If the boss thinks that he can find someone to do my job better than the way I can do it, he is free to find someone else because I

Wow. I can't really relate to that kind of devotion to one's job. I mean, I love my job and I think I do it well but I'm not invested enough to carry around the weight of personal failure for a company not doing as well as it expected. I'm of the mindset that if you think I didn't do well or if you think that its my


You do realize that it's purely subjective that Virtua Fighter is the "best" in competitive fighting, right?

But how's this working out if they're both on bottom...oh wait......