Wow, way to get all high and mighty. The person couldn't have just created this image because it was just a funny idea?
I am a huge Tony Hawk Pro Skater Fan and played all the games with the exception of those crappy board peripheral games. I have no desire to play this game at all. I'm still hoping that Activision will get its shit together and produce a REAL Tony Hawk game but alas I don't anticipate that happening anytime soon.…
Maybe it's time we stop arguing about 1080p and frame rates and start asking our games to give us what really matters: mustache physics. And here's hoping that the new Smash Bros. features this most important innovation, too!
So behold the prophecy as it has been fulfilled, my children. That there will be a floooooating city in the sky which can only be entered after we wire all of our money to my....*cough cough*....God's Swiss bank account far from the prying unholy demon hands of the IRS which wait in darkness to eat your souls and rape…
I think the existence of the Raimi movies soiled the experience of Amazing Spiderman for me. Between Raimi's Spiderman (2002) and Amazing Spiderman (2012) there was exactly 10 years, but even less time for people to forget about Raimi's trilogy so that the Amazing Spiderman could be a new unsoiled experience,…
Yeah but that can get messy and unnecessarily expensive. It's easier for Marvel/Disney to just let Sony do their thing until the license expires at which point spidey's lawyers can negotiate to renew his contract or let him swing back over to the house of mouse. Meanwhile, they can continue to work on new projects,…
Maybe not but after 99% of the planet earth saw Spiderman 1 & 2 and had a thorough knowledge of Peter Parker's story, was the reboot and re-introduction to Peter Parker's origin really necessary? I'm of the opinion that Super Hero films don't need to start off with origin stories, especially since the origin takes…
Geez man, look at those graphics. They look so horrible. Who makes dirt look like that? And asphalt? You call THAT asphalt? And I never heard of Yiro Tires, way to bust out the fake sponsors. What's next? Is there going to be an N&Ns candy sign or a Fountain Shoe soda billboard? Psshh....I'm not impressed at all. No…
After the zombie plague wipes out mankind (and all his alternate personas, I'm looking at YOU Cactus Jack), the only things left will be twinkies, cockroaches, and old school NES consoles.
Wow, that's actually a really great answer. I never before considered the points you brought up and with the evidence all laid out there, I gotta say....I totally agree :)
C'mon now, they let McG (the music video director) do a couple of movies and look how those turned out. Pure MTV fluff.
I would love to see a Gold Age DC movie. Think of the flashbacks in Watchmen. Yeah, kinda like that. I wouldn't even mind if it was a hand-drawn animated feature by one Alex, DC? Eh, eh? *nudge nudge nudgity nudgity nudge wink nudge wink wink nudge nudge*
Whose the DC counterpart to Captain America? Do you consider it Supes or Batman?
According to Variety, the man who directed Man of Steel will be helming Warner Bros. ' attempt to bring DC Comics' storied superhero team to the silver screen. SSnyder's already putting together Batman vs. Superman, the sequel to last year's reboot of a cinematic version of Kal-El. Ben Affleck will be putting on the…
Of course the dumping of plastic E.T. cartridges took place in 1983 at a time when Reagan was President and no one gave a flying crap about the environment because it was just impervious to everything; no one knew what a "carbon footprint" was back then. I realize the game was total shit (I remember playing it on my…
You created a troll account that mocks my username just to post a reply in response to my comment which was posted in September 2013. You're a little early for the conversation. Tell me again, who is the dumbass?