I agree with you. I suppose I should say preface those comments by saying that it is of my opinion...so one and so forth..but I thought that was already apparent. Great call on mentioning Heroes. That is my favorite Bowie record :)
I agree with you. I suppose I should say preface those comments by saying that it is of my opinion...so one and so forth..but I thought that was already apparent. Great call on mentioning Heroes. That is my favorite Bowie record :)
That is true but even artists who are different from one decade to the next have some consistency in the quality of their art. Look at David Bowie as a perfect example of that. I don't see that in Avril Lavigne's catalog of work.
I guess your not familiar with Cancer Therapy Chic? It's all the rage.
I'm confused by this girl. I don't know what she is or what she's supposed to be. For awhile she was into the poser-skater culture, then she pretended to be a punk rock riot girl, then a pop star, now I guess she's trying to imitate JPOP? I guess next, she could do an 80s goth/new wave revival. She already has the…
Ahh...but if you combine, the powers of 8,9,&10. It de-masculates and humiliates the UFC guy and that leaves him vulnerable to the attacks of 1 through 7. With their powers combined they are the indestructible super ultra nerd force.
I'm slowly rediscovering the magic of Nintendo through my kid. A new Pokemon snap would be awesome.
Ugh. Tell me about it. Nothing is worse than playing chess or checkers...or hell, even Monopoly with people that need to ponder the existence of mankind before every move.
Awhellnaw! It's because he's black, isn't it? That's so racist. What next? Are you going to say that he's dressed like a banana too?
Oh, [Pokemon] Snap, you didn't!!
You remind me of those old annoying car dealership commercials. If Nintendo marketed their shiz that way, I'd atleast be amused.
OK, there is one way I could see this going in the favor of 10 developers vs 1 UFC warrior:
This game is pure awesomeness.
Mario IS Nintendo's flagship mascot. He makes or breaks Nintendo hardware. Let's be honest, most people buy Nintendo consoles to play the latest Mario games. If Wii didn't have any Mario games or games that featured Mario characters, would they have sold so well? Hell no.
Ah OK. I got it. That would be cool. Although I think that having a physical disc used as a key seems kinda like an unnecessary waste.
How would that even be possible? Do you mean buying the disc and taking it home and that it wouldn't be functional until release day?
You're right. What a fat ass. Step aside, Godzilla, bald fatso pulling off a shirt coming through.
I think the Jackass guys already beat this. They had a clip where a guy bent over in front of an F-14's jet engine and it shot the shirt clean off a guy. 'Course it also sent it flying about 3km away but...yeah...