
Am I wrong that, as much as Days of Future Past messed with the timelines, that I kind of want this to say Revenge of the Jedi?

That reminds me, is Beast still gay?

You’re obviously a troll, but listen: the lightsabers look the way they do because the visual aesthetic in this show is based off of Ralph Macquarie’s concept art.

Okay, this trailer is doing much more for me than the first one. I’m actually confident that the writers might know what they’re doing now.

He’s a background character from Empire Strikes Back who was fleeing Cloud City when Lando have the order to evacuate.

You’ll forgive me for not giving a shit about what you think at this point.

Okay, I’ve tried being polite, now I’ll switch it up: I’m a designer by trade. The is no such thing as good or bad aesthetic, only personal taste. You’re kind of being an asshat now.

Just because you don’t agree with someone’s opinion in no way makes that opinion bad. It’s a question of aesthetics, which in this case you don’t care for.

In case you were wondering, his action figure is every bit as amazing.

Reading through this full comment thread, you seem to have a very aggressive attitude with the other commenters. You do realize that no one is fighting you here, yes? Your opinion has been noted and the replies are merely pointing out why that choice was made. There’s no cause to get huffy with people.

They look identical to the way they looked in A New Hope.

As a guy that permanently screwed his back and legs up years ago, I’d gladly have them removed and replaced with bionic legs and whatever spinal implants would be necessary to sprint at 45 mph and leap 20 feet into the air.

That was the slickest John Ratzenberger joke I have ever seen.

I've posted it before, but seeing as it was originally an April Fools gag of mine, I'll trot it out again.

I geeked out all over Gary Graham last year at Wonder Con when I stumbled across him at the Axanar booth.

I don't recognize that old Jedi on the left. Where's Anakin? Is Lucas meddling again?

This is what Karl Pilkington would be like if he were an inventor.

Put down the Frank Miller and walk slowly away.

In the first Fable game you grow a beard after being imprisoned.
