
Oh my God I had not considered this.

I would say that dumping aliens into the remaining Earth reality would have a beneficial effect on the extended show universe. It would allow each show to break out of the Freak of the Week formula and change it up, inject more drama and messages. The shows wouldn’t have to continue to be so focused on catching the

This just completely guts me. Eisenberg’s portrayal of Nog helped me process my PTSD.

Hamill has changed his story a bit over the years. The first time he told this, he described how he was playing Mozart in London in Amadeus. He used his Amadeus laugh in the audition because it was spooky and unnerving and he knew he could get the part with it.

I get that it’s tangentially sci-fi, but do you really need to give any more free press to Kevin Hart after what he said?

Please. Please make this a reality. The world desperately needs this.

I’m Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise!


Oh no, I belittled something and got some pushback and since I am a stupid bully I don’t know how to respond so I will say goodbye and pretend that I won.”

That chili dog thing is like one of the enduring memes about the character. 

The man has released one single film, you complete sausage.

Please tell that to Terry Crews. And Brendan Fraser. And Anthony Rapp. And James Van Der Beek. And Michael Gaston. And Shia LaBeouf.

I first heard about all of this earlier this week and it sickens me to my stomach. I wrote about three articles on the O-deck back when Star Trek Continues came out praising the show and I’m really angry that such an amazing project is now forever tainted by him.

Doom 3: after sneaking through this hellish facility for hours and only surviving by the skin of my teeth, I entered a room, turned to look at the wall and freaked out at my own reflection in a mirror and shot all of the ammo in my clip at it.

I’ve got a long history now of buying books both recommended by and written by the io9 staff but somehow I missed Annalee's first book! Looks like a have a couple of purchases to make! 

Can’t tell if joking or if want to make banana phone joke regardless

While he has excellent points, the original gave me something close to a panic attack with its score by Goblins. Which, I guess, was the point of it.

You kidding? The Dredd from the comics would fucking love Trump. 

Plus, I know I’m splitting even more hairs than a Wookiee with a cheap hairdryer, but have none of the artists on this book LOOKED at Harrison Ford? Photos of him from this era of his life with and without his shirt aren’t hard to find, and he was never a brawny beefcake; he had definition, sure, but he was on the