Not at all! I'm a layman. I appreciate you explaining this! I got some things twisted in my explanation a bit and I'd rather someone who knows better give the correct information so I and others can learn.
Not at all! I'm a layman. I appreciate you explaining this! I got some things twisted in my explanation a bit and I'd rather someone who knows better give the correct information so I and others can learn.
I will reiterate: the powers that be would not have released it in the format if they weren't absolutely sure it wouldn't net them a profit. Just because you didn't care for it, please don't speak for others.
Ah. I see. You're that guy.
Do you really think the studio would spend the cash to put it on bluray if they hadn't run focus groups and market research to make sure they'd get a sizeable ROI out of it?
No sarcasm here. There are legit tears on my cheeks right now.
... Did you not read my description of it? How could it not?
Okay, I hear you, so everything above the forearms just shears right off, then. She's muscular, sure, but not 'one-hand 12 pounds of Vibranium-coated Adamantium at 40mph with no physical repercussions' strong.
I JUST told a friend about Robot Jox the other day. He said it was too bad that no movies like Pacific Rim existed in the 80s. I told him there was a movie about international mech pilots that was an allegory for the Cold War, had Gary Fucking Graham in it, and ended with the most 80s-tastic brofist of all time.
Oh, Cap.
My wife saw the trailer for Fury Road the other day with me when we went to go see Kingsman. About halfway through the trailer she turned to me and SHOUTED, "THIS IS TOO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN WATCH THIS" and then booked it for the concession stand for the remainder of the previews.
I just swooned right the hell off my chair and I am a straight man.
Guy killed me, Mal. Killed me with a motorcycle. How weird is that?
What is it he says right after? I've rewound the thing like seven times but I can't make it out.
The worst part of that clip was that I couldn't stop thinking that Natasha isn't augmented in any way and grabbing a vibranium-coated shield like that at the speed she was going is only to to end up breaking her arm at best, shearing it right off at the worst.
Saving that .gif for reasons.
That's why I made this up last week. I set it as my own background because it makes me grin like a doof every time I look at it.
If that isn't the smoothest damn argument for making someone buy a physical copy of the book, I'll eat my freaking hat.
But Scarlett Johansson told me that.
What's interesting is the artistic brains—they're all right-brain dominant which means artists, musicians, writers more likely to see the hourglass than the clock face